Search Results for: fda

Sen. Grassley asks tough questions for FDA on U.S. Stem Cell, blinded women

stem-cells-eyes, stem cell therapy side effects.

Early in 2016, we started hearing about patient allegations of having been blinded in Florida by at least one stem cell business and several allegations seemed linked to a publicly-traded company called U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. (USRM). In turn, there have been a number of lawsuits involving USRM, including one filed just a few months […]

Sen. Grassley asks tough questions for FDA on U.S. Stem Cell, blinded women Read More »

Take-homes from new FDA NEJM stem cell piece including surprises


FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb and CBER Director, Peter Marks, have just published a new piece on stem cells and regenerative medicine in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). What are the core points here and what can we learn from reading between the lines a bit? There are some expected things and then some

Take-homes from new FDA NEJM stem cell piece including surprises Read More »

Animated map video shows wildfire spread of US stem cell clinics lacking FDA approval


There are now so many clinics selling non-FDA approved stem cell offerings across the U.S. that tens or hundreds of thousands of patients are at risk. How did we get here? What if we had a way of understanding how stem cell clinics spread across the U.S. in the first place? For example, an animated

Animated map video shows wildfire spread of US stem cell clinics lacking FDA approval Read More »

FDA Issues 1st Stem Cell Warning Letter of 2018 to American CryoStem


The FDA started off 2018 with a bang on the direct-to-consumer stem cell clinic front with a warning letter on January 3rd to American CryoStem, a firm involved in processing and distributing adipose stem cells. The company’s ATCELL™ adipose stem cell product was the focus of much of letter. The FDA indicated in the warning

FDA Issues 1st Stem Cell Warning Letter of 2018 to American CryoStem Read More »

Mesoblast gets FDA RMAT; List of 10 total designations so far


Australian stem cell biotech Mesoblast announced that it has received regenerative medicine advanced therapy (RMAT) designation from the U.S. FDA. This is very good news for the company and an encouraging development for the field. Interestingly, last month the FDA clarified that there is expanded RMAT designation that can include gene therapies too. At the Meeting

Mesoblast gets FDA RMAT; List of 10 total designations so far Read More »

Seattle clinic uses FDA commish in marketing non-FDA approved stem cells


How far will stem cell clinics go to market their non-FDA approved “treatments” that they often claim will have miraculous results? I’ve never seen anything quite as striking as what some clinics in the Seattle area are now doing. In the past, we’ve seen clinics take researchers’ pictures, quotes, or videos to use for their

Seattle clinic uses FDA commish in marketing non-FDA approved stem cells Read More »

Deconstructing FDA Mixed Bag Approach to Stem Cell Clinics


In a nutshell, what does all of this week’s big FDA developments on stem cells and regenerative medicine mean for stem cell clinics? There’s much to be upbeat about so overall I’d say it’s good news, but I see three significant potential problems too. Dang. The good news is that the FDA seems determined to

Deconstructing FDA Mixed Bag Approach to Stem Cell Clinics Read More »