Search Results for: ips cell

Sally Temple on adult RPEs for vision impairment, IND, & more


At the recent RPI stem cell and bioengineering meeting, the Neural Stem Cell Institute’s Sally Temple talked about her group’s intriguing retinal pigmented epithelial cell (RPE) research. With the broad focus of attention in the world of RPEs mostly on those derived from either human ESC or IPSC, it was exciting to here about the […]

Sally Temple on adult RPEs for vision impairment, IND, & more Read More »

Nugget Markets: no GMO policy, but ‘Non-GMO’ labeling common


My favorite grocery store here in Davis, California is Nugget Market. Our family shops at the various Nugget stores in the area fairly often. We like the food and the friendly service. I’ve been noticing not just at Nugget, but at some other stores too that the word “GMO” is popping up more. Both the actual

Nugget Markets: no GMO policy, but ‘Non-GMO’ labeling common Read More »

Will bioengineered body parts cost an arm and a leg?


The idea that we could bioengineer new human body parts to replace old, faulty ones is exciting, and such parts could include limbs, digits, or even entire organs. Such replacements might be produced using stem cells, 3-D printers, and other rapidly evolving, cutting edge technologies. Sci-fi is becoming a reality. Remember in Star Wars when

Will bioengineered body parts cost an arm and a leg? Read More »

Americans relatively more comfortable with human cloning


What is morally acceptable and where do we draw the line at behaviors that might just go too far such as human reproductive cloning? Over the years American attitudes have shifted on a number of potentially hot button moral behaviors including reproductive human cloning and pollsters including Gallup have tracked these attitudes. Gallup just came out

Americans relatively more comfortable with human cloning Read More »

White House supports moratorium on heritable human CRISPR


The Obama Administration today weighed in on human germline genetic modification such as via CRISPR via a note from John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The White House indicated support for the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Academy

White House supports moratorium on heritable human CRISPR Read More »

CRISPR critters: Cute pics of Cas9 gene edited animals


As CRISPR gene editing technology has advanced in the last few years, the number of genetically modified animals made with this system has steadily increased. Some are very interesting and useful for science. At the same time especially when they are little, they can be very cute. A nickname is going around for these GM

CRISPR critters: Cute pics of Cas9 gene edited animals Read More »

DIY human ‘upgrades’ via biohacking


Heritable human genetic modification has been the topic of the year so far, but another trend is edgy and interesting: non-heritable, but cutting edge forms of human modification that in some ways fall into the class of biohacking. Biohackers are into do-it-yourself (DIY) forms of biology including self-modification. Sure, people have been modifying themselves for

DIY human ‘upgrades’ via biohacking Read More »