Search Results for: ips cell

More on the Vatican $1 million gamble on NeoStem and their upcoming conference in Rome


In mid-November the Catholic Church, in fact the Vatican itself, will do something it has never done before in its very long existence. It will hold a conference on stem cells. Perhaps equally unusual and of interest is the fact that the basis for this conference is a $1 million (USD) gamble by the Vatican […]

More on the Vatican $1 million gamble on NeoStem and their upcoming conference in Rome Read More »

Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient?


When I talk to people about stem cell science and the timeline for turning data into treatments and cures, their reactions completely depend on whom they are. Scientists are patient, perhaps too patient….perhaps too understanding of the many years that we are told that science takes to get something to the clinic. Patients and patient

Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient? Read More »

Should men get a PSA test for prostate cancer? Yes, but…..

cancer stem cells

Should men get a PSA test for prostate cancer? The same federal panel that recommended that women in their 40s not get routine mammograms has now come forth with the statement that PSA testing men for detection of prostate cancer should be stopped. I think it is not that simple and I still believe in

Should men get a PSA test for prostate cancer? Yes, but….. Read More »

Science street smarts: how to succeed in science in the real world

Are street smarts important in science? Some of the smartest people I have ever met in my life were scientists. But some of these same people made the dumbest mistakes I have ever seen in my life. Why? Their raw brainpower and knowledge of science is amazing, but they seemed to lack common sense and

Science street smarts: how to succeed in science in the real world Read More »

If I only had a blastema: obstacles to human regeneration


Irv Weissman’s lab came out with a very intriguing paper in Nature this week on regeneration and something called a blastema. Having a blastema It is not exactly on regenerative medicine of the kind we think about using exogenous stem cells, but more about how we might tap into nature’s own program for regeneration by

If I only had a blastema: obstacles to human regeneration Read More »

California pays its sports coaches alone more than the entire payroll of CIRM


There has been a largely media-fed hullabaloo about the salary for the new Chair of CIRM, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, $400,000. Now don’t get me wrong, that sounds like a lot of money to me personally, but we need to put it in perspective and when we do, the salary is reasonable and

California pays its sports coaches alone more than the entire payroll of CIRM Read More »