Search Results for: ips cells

Weekly reads: MD Stem Cells, embryo models & headaches, cell therapy trial updates

dr. jeffrey weiss, MD Stem Cells

There is still plenty of reason to worry about unproven stem cells being marketed in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world. I’ll start with a new item here in the U.S. on a firm called MD Stem Cells and end with a newly published paper about how things are going in Poland on this […]

Weekly reads: MD Stem Cells, embryo models & headaches, cell therapy trial updates Read More »

Weekly reads: BioViva & life-extension clinic, RMATs, universal cells

BioViva CEO Liz Parrish in YouTube video.

I’ve written before about Liz Parrish and her life-extension firm BioViva. Now they appear to have connections with another entity called Integrated Health Systems or IHS, according to a new Wired article. Some of what is going on with IHS and maybe BioViva in Mexico seems extremely risky to me. BioViva, Parrish, and Integrated Health Systems The

Weekly reads: BioViva & life-extension clinic, RMATs, universal cells Read More »

Weekly reads: FDA nod on new cell therapy, gray hair, pong-playing cells

It’s a big challenge to get a cell therapy approved by the FDA and if you look at my list of FDA-approved stem cell therapies, it’s not as long as we might hope. FDA OK on cell therapy from Gamida Cell For this reason, it was excellent news to see that the FDA approved a

Weekly reads: FDA nod on new cell therapy, gray hair, pong-playing cells Read More »

Heart stem cells trial mostly disappoints but is oversold

heart stem cells

Are there endogenous adult heart stem cells that are useful in cardiac disease or can stem cell infusions help ailing hearts? As to the first question, the adult heart does not appear to have meaningful numbers of true stem cells. Further, testing the idea of infusions of stem cells for heart disease has so far been giving

Heart stem cells trial mostly disappoints but is oversold Read More »

Weekly reads: bat stem cells & viruses, Lineage Cell, He Jiankui visa

bat stem cells, stem cells

Occasionally when I write a post there is an angry reaction to it in the blog comments, which was the case for my recent fact-check of the LifeWave X39 patches.  As you can see in that post, I didn’t find convincing data to either back up the claimed stem cell connection. In my opinion, there

Weekly reads: bat stem cells & viruses, Lineage Cell, He Jiankui visa Read More »

Desperately seeking stem cells: celeb quests for elixirs often mislead

lady gaga, stem cells

What could go wrong with celebrities desperately hunting for stem cells as a fountain of youth? A flaskful of problems. Some famous folks can’t seem to get enough of stem cells, even if those supposed therapies are unproven and risky. In recent years, dozens of celebs have gotten stem cell procedures of various kinds. The

Desperately seeking stem cells: celeb quests for elixirs often mislead Read More »

Weekly reads: stem cell good news, bad news on sickle cell, MS, IPSCs

victoria gray family crispr sickle cell b

Let’s start with some stem cell good news on evolving approaches to treat sickle cell disease involving stem cells. Then on another related front things were more concerning. Stem cell good news on sickle cell disease, a complication Sickle Cell Disease News reports Adding Briquilimab Boosts Success of Sickle Cell Stem Cell Transplant. This is a

Weekly reads: stem cell good news, bad news on sickle cell, MS, IPSCs Read More »

Weekend reads: WaPo blows it on COVID, paper-mill detector, adult pluripotent stem cells

"Hofstenia miamia, three-banded panther worms. Credit: Mansi Srivastava and Kathleen Mazza-Curll"

Imagine writing or editing an article for the WaPo about risky, unproven medical interventions for COVID that desperate patients might consider. Then you link directly to the websites selling this stuff in your article. What the heck? WaPo links to risky long COVID “treatments” By linking, you not only are driving customers to these firms,

Weekend reads: WaPo blows it on COVID, paper-mill detector, adult pluripotent stem cells Read More »

Stem cells & the philosopher’s stone, P53, thyroid organoids

philosopher's stone

I hadn’t remembered the history of the philosopher’s stone until reading a new review article about stem cells and aging. Here’s the article. Is the philosopher’s stone to rejuvenate blood stem cells an epigenetic regulator? Nature Aging. This preview kind of piece discusses how inhibiting a specific factor called PHF6 can “rejuvenate” HSCs in mice.

Stem cells & the philosopher’s stone, P53, thyroid organoids Read More »