Search Results for: lawsuits

B+ on my report card on my 20 stem cell predictions for 2019


Last year around this time I took my annual plunge to make 20 predictions for the coming year for the stem cell and regenerative medicine field. I even made a crystal ball graphic to highlight the complexity of the stem cell ecosystem into which these predictions were embedded (see image) for 2019. How’d I do? […]

B+ on my report card on my 20 stem cell predictions for 2019 Read More »

‘I’d need a drink’: WaPo deep dive on clinic firm Lung Health Institute


Washington Post reporters William Wan and Laurie McGinley have a new piece on the unproven regenerative clinic firm the Lung Health Institute. This article has a number of surprises and new insights. Previously the Lung Health Institute was called just the Lung Institute. It was recently acquired by the publicly-traded company H-CYTE, stock symbol HCYT. In the

‘I’d need a drink’: WaPo deep dive on clinic firm Lung Health Institute Read More »

Bad Batch podcast’s dark picture of perinatal stem cell industry

John Kosolcharoen, Liveyon

I finished listening to the first 6 episodes of the Bad Batch podcast last week. The series is by medical journalist Laura Beil. I think there will be a 7th episode that’s a Q&A. I highly recommend listening to the series even if parts are wrenching at times like how much patients and families have

Bad Batch podcast’s dark picture of perinatal stem cell industry Read More »

Richard Garr Q&A on his new Right-To-Try firm Beacon of Hope


A new right-to-try company called Beacon of Hope is stirring some intense discussion. State and federal right-to-try laws could potentially change the fabric of how many investigational studies are conducted. That may happen through firms like Beacon of Hope. However, we don’t know much about the firm. I’m hoping to help change that. Today’s post

Richard Garr Q&A on his new Right-To-Try firm Beacon of Hope Read More »

Kristin Comella resigns from embattled clinic firm US Stem Cell


US Stem Cell, Inc. reports in a new SEC filing that its key leader Kristin Comella has resigned as of September 1. I never thought I’d see the day when Kristin Comella and US Stem Cell, Inc. parted ways. To me Comella seemed like the driving force behind the company, which is now subject to

Kristin Comella resigns from embattled clinic firm US Stem Cell Read More »

‘Bottom of stem cell barrel’? Utah piece sparks legal threat


Up until now Utah hasn’t immediately come to mind as a hub for stem cell issues, but things are heating up there in 2019. Utah? I was going to do a blog post here on The Niche last month about perinatal (birth-related) biologics and stem cell-related supply companies in Utah. Some of their customers appear

‘Bottom of stem cell barrel’? Utah piece sparks legal threat Read More »

Congress pushes FDA on stem cell clinic mess in new letter


It can be kind of a big deal when politicians, especially at the federal level, write the FDA about stem cells. Is this going to be good news or bad? Some combination? I tend to worry that some senators or representatives might pressure the FDA to weaken oversight. However, lately it seems like the opposite

Congress pushes FDA on stem cell clinic mess in new letter Read More »

A new way patients may get money back from stem cell clinics


Let’s face it, there are loads of stem cell clinics looking for patients/customers. I think most are taking advantage of patients and some of these are just rotten. Admittedly there are hundreds of clinics that aren’t that bad. They also might be FDA compliant. However, they still are selling stem cells that aren’t really proven

A new way patients may get money back from stem cell clinics Read More »

Can clinic biz US Stem reboot after losing suit? Its email to customers & more


The unproven stem cell clinic firm US Stem Cell Inc. is in a world of hurt. If a federal judge says you can no longer sell your key commercial offering, how do you survive as a company? US Stem probably has been thinking about that possibility for months. Still, it’s not yet clear where the

Can clinic biz US Stem reboot after losing suit? Its email to customers & more Read More »

In dark augur for clinic industry, court allows class action suit by 100s against Stemgenex


In the latest blow to the unproven stem cell clinic industry, a California federal district court judge just granted class status to a lawsuit against the fat stem cell clinic Stemgenex. (update: Stemgenex has since filed for bankruptcy). What this means in practical terms is that the lawsuit alleging fraud in marketing by the clinic

In dark augur for clinic industry, court allows class action suit by 100s against Stemgenex Read More »