Search Results for: mscs

Mapping global trends in MSC & stem cell clinical trials: unexpected findings

One of the most exciting types of stem cells are mesenchymal stem cells or MSCs. Although there is some debate about these cells (e.g. I once heard Irv Weissman say at a meeting he wasn’t sure they really existed as such), a consensus would seem to be that they have great potential medical potential. Perhaps […]

Mapping global trends in MSC & stem cell clinical trials: unexpected findings Read More »

Intriguing interview with Robin Young, Organizer of Houston Stem Cell Summit

Next month will be the 1st Houston Stem Cell Summit organized by Robin Young, who also organizes the New York Stem Cell Summit. I’ve been a bit tough on this meeting for a perceived lack of diversity in their program of speakers. I interviewed Robin Young (RY) about the meeting and found his answers quite interesting

Intriguing interview with Robin Young, Organizer of Houston Stem Cell Summit Read More »

Stem cell treatments for multiple sclerosis: where do things stand?


Where do things stand on the potential of stem cell treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS)? MS is an often devastating autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks its own nervous system. More info can be found at the National MS website here. MS is a very serious health problem globally as about 400,000 people

Stem cell treatments for multiple sclerosis: where do things stand? Read More »

New Celltex website goes live for the first time, making many safety & efficacy claims


Celltex, the controversial stem cell clinic in Texas, announced in a press release (PR) today a couple of new hires. It also fired up its website for the first time that I am aware of. You can check out the website here. Wow. The website is notable since it has been inactive for quite some

New Celltex website goes live for the first time, making many safety & efficacy claims Read More »

Celltex responds in press release: FDA problems result of their Texas lab being run by Koreans, not Texans


Celltex has issued a press release (PR), entitled “Company Pioneering Regenerative Medicine Services Invited FDA to Inspect Lab” on their FDA audit in response to the reaction in the media and stem cell community about it. I view this PR as a step in the right direction–more openness! There is a lot of info in

Celltex responds in press release: FDA problems result of their Texas lab being run by Koreans, not Texans Read More »

The real, but oft-ignored risks of adult stem cell treatments


What’s the real story on adult stem cells? Do they really have little to no risk? As a self-proclaimed fan of stem cells, including adult stem cells, I often find myself writing and talking about them to a large, diverse audience. I’ve become a stem cell ambassador of sorts. However, I am also a realist

The real, but oft-ignored risks of adult stem cell treatments Read More »