Search Results for: parkinson's

New Yamanaka interview gives key insights into future of IPS cells

Nobel Laureate Shinya Yamanaka, the first to produce induced pluripotent stem cells

Where is the field of IPS cells going and how will this impact the overall field of stem cell-based regenerative medicine? Nobel Laureate Shinya Yamanaka, the discoverer of IPS cells, gave a really interesting recent interview to Nikkei that provides some fascinating insights into the future of this exciting technology that is now more than a decade […]

New Yamanaka interview gives key insights into future of IPS cells Read More »

Takahashi team IPS cell vision paper marks major stem cell milestone


Ring the bell for a stem cell milestone, specifically for iPS cell work. There’s been a whole lot of commotion about the NEJM article yesterday documenting the experiences of three women with macular degeneration who were blinded by non-FDA approved stem cell eye injections of fat stem cells at a business in Florida, but in the

Takahashi team IPS cell vision paper marks major stem cell milestone Read More »

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award


I received a score of great nominations for the Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award and have briefly described the twenty nominees below. The point of the award is to honor the top positive stem cell leader who specifically thinks outside the box and takes risks. I’ve started an on-line vote where you can vote once per day for

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award Read More »

Report on day 2 of FDA stem cell meeting: patients, researchers, & more


The FDA’s stem cell meeting wrapped up today on day two with a diverse group of individual speakers. A series of patient testimonials today in favor of clinics was one thing that stood out. You can read my take of day one and the account of Jeanne Loring who was at the meeting. I’ve noted that on

Report on day 2 of FDA stem cell meeting: patients, researchers, & more Read More »

Stem cell good news: CIRM funds new cutting edge studies

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CIRM announced recently the funding of a number of exciting new studies. ViaCyte received additional funding to support its development of its hESC-based pancreatic progenitor cell product PEC-Direct clinic trials. This work is very promising. CIRM also funded additional diabetes-related research by Humacyte on engineering blood vessels for use in dialysis, which is very creative. I

Stem cell good news: CIRM funds new cutting edge studies Read More »

At ISSCR 2016, $2,000 donation to Summit For Stem Cell patient group


Something very unusual and positive just happened at this year’s ISSCR meeting. Every year in December I give out an award for the Stem Cell Person of the Year to the individual with the strongest positive impact in the stem cell field generated specifically from outside-the-box thinking and actions. Dr. Jeanne Loring was the recipient in

At ISSCR 2016, $2,000 donation to Summit For Stem Cell patient group Read More »

Good stem cell news as Masayo Takahashi IPS Cell Trial to Resume


Some good news today as the pioneering induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cell trial led by Dr. Masayo Takahashi will resume. This clinical study with a focus on macular degeneration has been on hold for quite some time due to regulatory changes in Japan. There had also been concerns over mutations in the 2nd patient’s IPS

Good stem cell news as Masayo Takahashi IPS Cell Trial to Resume Read More »

Ten patient groups oppose REGROW Act that would gut stem cell oversight


The REGROW Act would drastically weaken FDA regulation of experimental stem cell therapies. I’ve criticized it in numerous posts (see those here) for its radical ideas that would put patients and the stem cell field at risk. I’m not the only one concerned about it as both ARM and ISSCR oppose it too. Now 10 top patient advocacy

Ten patient groups oppose REGROW Act that would gut stem cell oversight Read More »