Search Results for: stem cell biotech

Stem cell good news: Spinal Cord Injury Trial, CIRM, Grants, & More


Stem cell good news time and more will be coming later this week. The stem cell and regenerative medicine world sometimes feels chaotic. Why? Because so much is going on both on the positive and negative sides of things. There is a whirlwind of activity and developments, and a tendency sometimes within our arena to […]

Stem cell good news: Spinal Cord Injury Trial, CIRM, Grants, & More Read More »

Cool stem cell papers: antibody reprogramming, organoids, gravity, & more


The past few weeks have brought some exciting, thought-provoking stem cell papers and developments in the regenerative medicine field. Here’s a list of stem cell papers in the media that struck me as particularly cool along with some other developments in the field. Human Stem Cells Fight Parkinson’s Disease in Monkeys Organoids Reveal Clues to Gut-Brain

Cool stem cell papers: antibody reprogramming, organoids, gravity, & more Read More »

Stem cell therapy review of good news: UC Davis, Asterias, Cynata, Mesoblast, ViaCyte

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It’s a difficult, but very important road to conclusively prove that an investigational stem cell therapy is both safe and effective in order to get final approval FDA or equivalents in other countries. For this reason, it is beneficial to highlight even small, but positive steps forward including encouraging pre-clinical data. Today I’m doing a

Stem cell therapy review of good news: UC Davis, Asterias, Cynata, Mesoblast, ViaCyte Read More »

Review of Nature paper: stem cell exosomes on the brain and aging


Is there a stem cell connection between the brain and aging? Could a type of brain stem cell or the exosomes it secretes control whole body aging? A recent big Nature article from the lab of Dongcheng Cai argues an emphatic “Yes” to these questions, at least in mice. In the Zhang, et al paper, entitled

Review of Nature paper: stem cell exosomes on the brain and aging Read More »

TGIF: stem cell weekend reads & links


Here are some stem cell weekend reads for your enjoyment along with various links and headlines. Some science pubs that caught my eye: Human Neural Stem Cell Biodistribution and Predicted Tumor Coverage by a Diffusible Therapeutic in a Mouse Glioma Model High-Content Screening in hPSC-Neural Progenitors Identifies Drug Candidates that Inhibit Zika Virus Infection in

TGIF: stem cell weekend reads & links Read More »

Shot to the heart: J&J punts on Capricor & its cardiac stem cell program


How is the stem cell and regenerative medicine biotech sector doing these days and does recent news about specific biotechs such as Capricor suggest issues for the sector more broadly? Capricor had bad news earlier this year related to its stem cells for heart disease program and things just took a turn for the worse

Shot to the heart: J&J punts on Capricor & its cardiac stem cell program Read More »

Brief update from Bob Lanza on Astellas stem cell program


Late in 2015, one of the pioneering stem cell and regenerative medicine biotechs, Ocata Therapeutics (fka as ACT or Advanced Cell Technology) was acquired by Astellas Pharma. At the time of purchase, Ocata had a number of areas of focus, but was most closely followed for its development of human embryonic stem cell-based retinal pigmented epithelial

Brief update from Bob Lanza on Astellas stem cell program Read More »

Ongoing story on stem cell fake news: send me your tips


I’m working on an investigative story on fake news in the stem cell and regenerative medicine arena. Is there a growing stem cell fake news problem in the biotech world? More broadly, the SEC is cracking down on the mess that is fake biotech news, but what about publicly-traded stem cell biotechs more specifically? Already in the past

Ongoing story on stem cell fake news: send me your tips Read More »

Washington State considers stem cell regenerative medicine funding


Washington State is considering state funding for regenerative medicine. How cool is that? You can read more about this effort in an opinion piece authored by Washington stem cell researcher, Professor Charles Murry. There’s so much important stem cell research going on that federal funding, private and biotech investors, and philanthropy simply cannot fund it

Washington State considers stem cell regenerative medicine funding Read More »