Search Results for: stem cell biotech

Interview with Gary Rabin of Advanced Cell Technology (ACT)


One of the more exciting stem cell biotechs out there today is Advanced Cell Technology (ACT). At this time ACT has the only two ES cell-based FDA-approved clinical trials ongoing and so far they have looked quite promising in terms of preliminary safety data. However, ACT has much more in the pipeline including potentially iPS […]

Interview with Gary Rabin of Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) Read More »

What is the ideal background for a stem cell company CEO? Take our poll

What does it take to be a stem cell biotech CEO? I really appreciate how insightful the students are with whom I interact each year including undergrads, grads, and medical students. One asked me the other day “What are the backgrounds of the CEOs of stem cell companies?” I know some of the CEOs and

What is the ideal background for a stem cell company CEO? Take our poll Read More »

RNL Bio files IND with Korean FDA to transplant adult stem cells to treat cerebral palsy: what’s the scoop?

The Korean-based stem cell biotech, RNL Bio, which also does business in the U.S. as RNL Bio and Human Biostar Inc, reportedly (seems to be a press release, PR) has filed an investigational new drug (IND) application with the Korean FDA (KFDA). The purpose of the application is to test the efficacy of autologous adult stem cells

RNL Bio files IND with Korean FDA to transplant adult stem cells to treat cerebral palsy: what’s the scoop? Read More »

A great day for stem cell research: more on SCOTUS & details on BioTime news

Today the Supreme Court announced it would not hear the Sherley v Sebelius case, ending the court battle that has left embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) in what I’ve called a “big chill”. This is great news. It is all over the mainstream media. Even the rampant anti-science, pro-lifers have declared defeat. I’m not going

A great day for stem cell research: more on SCOTUS & details on BioTime news Read More »

More new trouble for RNL Bio: Korea reportedly weighs criminal charges over stem cell treatments

RNL Bio has been accused of allegedly smuggling stem cells out of Korea to treat patients in Japan and China without going through customs. But there is more trouble. RNL Bio faces additional challenges as reportedly (AsiaOne News) the Korean Government is weighing whether to charge RNL criminally based on their stem cell treatments being illegal

More new trouble for RNL Bio: Korea reportedly weighs criminal charges over stem cell treatments Read More »

Advanced Cell Technology (ACTC) announces plan to make iPS cell-derived platelets: some thoughts

Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) is well into clinical trials for macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness) using human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-based retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE). To date, the trials suggest the products are safe. Efficacy? We don’t know. I am cautiously hopeful, but it is frustrating to know that most clinical trials

Advanced Cell Technology (ACTC) announces plan to make iPS cell-derived platelets: some thoughts Read More »

Do human Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells (VSEL) exist as a normal population of actual stem cells?

Supposedly there is a type of normal adult stem cell that intrinsically possesses many of the same properties as embryonic stem cells (ESCs). No reprogramming needed. No blastocysts needed. These reportedly amazing cells, called Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells (VSELs), can in theory be isolated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) or even bone marrow. Yet

Do human Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells (VSEL) exist as a normal population of actual stem cells? Read More »

CIRM comment on prospect of BioTime buying Geron stem cell program

When biotech Geron punted on its embryonic stem cell (ESC) program despite having an ongoing FDA-approved clinical trial for spinal cord injury and tens of millions in loan funding from CIRM, many in the stem cell field were upset to put it mildly. Geron repaid the CIRM loan with interest. At the time, the general

CIRM comment on prospect of BioTime buying Geron stem cell program Read More »