Search Results for: stem cell social media

Why Republican leaders and the conservative media are hypocrites on stem cells: propaganda

As a stem cell researcher and blogger, I hear an earful from ultra-conservatives and GOPers all the time about how immoral or unethical embryonic stem cell research is. Some even haphazardly like to call anyone who works on stem cells names. I also see articles in conservative media outlets like the National Review attacking embryonic

Why Republican leaders and the conservative media are hypocrites on stem cells: propaganda Read More »

Launching SCOPE: educating the world about stem cells in their own language

Today, I am launching a new effort called Stem Cell Outreach Program for Education  (SCOPE). I think stem cell technology will transform medicine across the globe, but it will take a concerted effort to make certain that stem cell-based therapies do not become a type of medicine only available to the relatively wealthy or predominantly available

Launching SCOPE: educating the world about stem cells in their own language Read More »

What is Mastodon & why so far it’s a clunky alternative to Twitter


Lately it seems like something called Mastodon is on the minds of many a Twitter user. There is a wave of people tweeting “let’s dump Twitter and go to Mastodon now that Musk has taken over!” However, so far I don’t see Mastodon as a solid alternative to the admittedly annoyingly musky Twitter. I do

What is Mastodon & why so far it’s a clunky alternative to Twitter Read More »

Recommended reads: MSC analysis points to challenges, IPSC NKs kill liver cancer, turning white fat into brown

MSC single cell transcriptome, MSC

Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells or MSCs are widely used by unproven clinics, but MSC research also suggests real promise in specific areas. Clinics mainly use adipose MSCs (often called SVF) or bone marrow MSCs. However, umbilical cord MSC preparations are getting more popular too. Many questions swirl around the use of MSCs including what exactly are

Recommended reads: MSC analysis points to challenges, IPSC NKs kill liver cancer, turning white fat into brown Read More »

Biological age, health flexing, & stabs at rejuvenation

health flexing, biological age

We all know people who seem far younger than their age, which feeds into the idea of biological age. It’s often in the news these days and all over social media. Some people who are fighting high-profile battles with aging are also doing something I call “health flexing.” I also called these folks by another

Biological age, health flexing, & stabs at rejuvenation Read More »

Suit against Dr. Alvaro Skupin & Dra Nancy Alvarez over blinding at clinic is settled

Dra Nancy Alvarez, Alvaro Skupin

A patient who got scientifically unproven and non-FDA-approved stem cells from Dr. Alvaro Skupin, filed suited against him, his wife who is often known as Doctora Nancy or Dra Nancy Alvarez, and associated businesses. These firms include the stem cell clinic known as Mother Stem Cell Institute in Florida, where the injections apparently took place.

Suit against Dr. Alvaro Skupin & Dra Nancy Alvarez over blinding at clinic is settled Read More »