Search Results for: stem cells for ms

Ian Wilmut, Dolly’s dad, says dump hESC? What does this mean?


Sometimes a top scientist makes news with a quote on research and that happened with Ian Wilmut recently on stem cells. Move away from research on human ES cells (hESC) in favor of very new and still largely unclear trans-differentiation technology? I say, no way. But, Bradley Fikes of the North County Times has reported […]

Ian Wilmut, Dolly’s dad, says dump hESC? What does this mean? Read More »

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California

Remember those folks who were pushing an amendment in Mississippi that would have defined the one cell fertilized egg as a full blown person with all the same rights as a living, breathing, thinking Mississippian? Now the new battlefront for their movement is California. They want to get an initiative on the ballot to make

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California Read More »

Why Horton was wrong: a person is not a person no matter how small, even in Mississippi


Tomorrow night voters in Mississippi will vote on the so-called “Personhood Amendment”. If passed, the amendment would make a fertilized egg by definition a human being with the same rights as a living, breathing, thinking, walking person in the state of Mississippi. The consequences are not clear, but possibilities include such things as complete bans on

Why Horton was wrong: a person is not a person no matter how small, even in Mississippi Read More »

Irv Weissman’s early career and the mentors that made the difference for him in his own words

It has been a week to think about mentors and I posted somewhat autobiographically on how to find and be a good mentor a few days ago. Also along these lines, I asked one of the great mentors of all time, Irv Weissman, about his early career and who were the mentors that made the

Irv Weissman’s early career and the mentors that made the difference for him in his own words Read More »

Everything you need to know about publishing in the iPS cell field

I have posted before about publishing trends in the iPS cell field here and in here…. but where do things stand today? Here, I provide an important update. What’s going on now? Here I provide answers to the key questions. How many papers are there on iPS cells? An interesting and unexpected trend for this

Everything you need to know about publishing in the iPS cell field Read More »

Advanced Cell Technology and Geron: allies or competitors?


Two companies, Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) and Geron, both HQ’d here in California, have FDA-approved early stage clinical trials in the works. Geron’s trial has already started and reportedly now has enrolled at least two patients. The trial is of course for the safety of Geron’s GRNOPC1 oligodendrocyte product made from human ES cells for

Advanced Cell Technology and Geron: allies or competitors? Read More »