Search Results for: us stem cell

Guest post by Dr. Jun Seita: A simple proposal to make STAP protocols clearer


A simple proposal to make STAP protocols clearer 日本語版はこちら By Jun Seita Detection of a GFP signal driven by the Oct3/4 promoter was extensively used to define STAP cells in the original STAP papers [1, 2] and similar approaches have been employed by many third-party attempts to reproduce STAP cells. On the other hand, it […]

Guest post by Dr. Jun Seita: A simple proposal to make STAP protocols clearer Read More »

Interview with Actress, Writer, Advocate and New CIRM Board Member Lauren Miller

The California Stem Cell Agency, CIRM, has a new board member. Actress, writer, and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) advocate Lauren Miller recently joined the ICOC Board of CIRM via an appointment by Governor Jerry Brown. Miller and her husband, Seth Rogen, have both been active as AD advocates and formed an amazing organization to boost AD

Interview with Actress, Writer, Advocate and New CIRM Board Member Lauren Miller Read More »

Great News: Senators Boxer & Kirk Introduce Regen Med Bill

I just heard some very good news on the regenerative medicine front. US Senators Barbara Boxer and Mark Kirk today introduced The Regenerative Medicine Promotion Act, which would keep track of and promote regenerative medicine efforts. This is really exciting and provides hope. One of the neat things about this news is that Boxer is

Great News: Senators Boxer & Kirk Introduce Regen Med Bill Read More »

Why the FDA should not green-light 3-parent reproduction


An FDA committee began a meeting yesterday that continues today to consider permitting new assisted reproduction-based “3-parent” technology that could address mitochondrial disorders, a serious human health problem. The technology also raises complex health issues of its own and invokes ethical questions. The goal of the FDA meeting is articulated this way: “the committee will

Why the FDA should not green-light 3-parent reproduction Read More »

STAP 3.0: Patent, New Paper Problems, & Poll Plummet


People have been taking a long look over the last 24 hours or so at the STAP stem cell patent application filed by Charles Vacanti, his brother, Obokata, and others. Any reactions? I don’t know much about patents so I’d be curious of your impressions. New STAP paper troubles? I’m hearing through the stem grapevine

STAP 3.0: Patent, New Paper Problems, & Poll Plummet Read More »

Jeanne Loring on Woo Suk Hwang Approved Patent of SCNT ESCs


If you’ve been paying attention to the stem cell world, you’ll remember Woo Suk Hwang, who nearly derailed the future of stem cell research by very publically proclaiming that he had made human embryonic stem cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). No, this has nothing to do with Shoukhrat Mitalipov’s report of successful generation

Jeanne Loring on Woo Suk Hwang Approved Patent of SCNT ESCs Read More »