Search Results for: us stem cell

Fertility clinic floats idea of human cloning for infertility

Human cloning is not so far-fetched any more.  Cloning of the Star Wars variety where new copies of people (although they would be babies, not adults of course at first) are produced is something I believe that we’ll see in the next 1-2 decades. Why would anyone bother to clone? Fame. Money. Vanity. There are […]

Fertility clinic floats idea of human cloning for infertility Read More »

Striking improvement in vision in one ACT trial participant


Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) has confirmed that one of the patient in a clinical trial that it is running for treatment of macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness worldwide, has shown a striking improvement in vision. The patient reportedly had 20/400 vision prior to treatment and now has 20/40 vision after treatment. ACT uses an

Striking improvement in vision in one ACT trial participant Read More »

What is Betatrophin & why is Harvard so excited about it?

Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) is making a big announcement today about stems, the biggest they say in their almost decade-long existence. Last night I speculated/predicted some possible announcements. Today I’m betting they will announce the discovery of a novel factor called Betatrophin. More on Betatrophin in a minute, but first why do I think

What is Betatrophin & why is Harvard so excited about it? Read More »

Transdifferentiation makes a major advance: direct reprogramming of fibroblasts to oligodendrocyte progenitors

Back-to-back papers (here and here) in Nature Biotechnology report the transdifferentiation (now often simply referred to as “direct reprogramming”) of plain old fibroblasts into brain cells called oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). OPCs are a remarkably useful kind of brain cell that generates myelin, which insulates nerves. OPCs are thought to have great therapeutic potential for

Transdifferentiation makes a major advance: direct reprogramming of fibroblasts to oligodendrocyte progenitors Read More »

Τι είναι τα βλαστοκύτταρα

Τι είναι τα βλαστοκύτταρα; Greek. Τι είναι τα βλαστοκύτταρα; Το ανθρώπινο σώμα περιέχει εκατοντάδες διαφορετικά είδη κυττάρων που είναι απαραίτητα για την καθημερινή μας υγεία. Τα κύτταρα αυτά είναι υπεύθυνα για διάφορες βασικές λειτουργίες, όπως το να κάνουν την καρδιά μας να χτυπά, τον εγκέφαλό μας να σκέφτεται, τα νεφρά μας να καθαρίζουν το αίμα,

Τι είναι τα βλαστοκύτταρα Read More »

Was sind Stammzellen?

Was sind Stammzellen?  Der menschliche Körper enthält Hunderte von verschiedenen Zellarten, die für unsere tägliche Gesundheit wichtig sind. Diese Zellen sind verantwortlich für das tägliche Funktionieren unseres Körpers, wie das Schlagen des Herzes, das Denken des Gehirns, das Säubern unseres Blut durch die Nieren, das Ersetzen unsere Hautzellen, und so weiter. Die wichtige und einzigartige

Was sind Stammzellen? Read More »