Search Results for: us stem cell

Is Moriguchi a tip of an iceberg for ethical problems in science? How many Moriguchi Jr’s are out there?

The big scandal about alleged, later mostly recanted transplants of iPS cells (for more on iPS cells see here) into human patients centered on one fellow named Hisashi Moriguchi. For more on the case see here. Clearly Moriguchi is to blame for his lies. The paper Yomiuri is also to blame for splashing the unverified […]

Is Moriguchi a tip of an iceberg for ethical problems in science? How many Moriguchi Jr’s are out there? Read More »

Harvard Spokesman reiterates: Moriguchi did not have Harvard IRB approval


Hisashi Moriguchi had a poster up at the NY Stem Cell Meeting yesterday and has done interviews with Japanese media saying that he has led a team that transplanted iPS cells into human patients. Reportedly his poster said and the newspaper articles have stated that the iPS cell transplant work had IRB approval from Harvard

Harvard Spokesman reiterates: Moriguchi did not have Harvard IRB approval Read More »

Moriguchi also claimed Harvard IRB approval for human studies in multiple 2012 published papers

It has been a big week in very different ways for the stem cell field related to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. First, we had the Nobel Prize deservedly going to stem cell hero, Shinya Yamanaka. Great news! Congratulations to Dr. Yamanaka. Unfortunately, now, we have a puzzling story that iPS cells have been reported

Moriguchi also claimed Harvard IRB approval for human studies in multiple 2012 published papers Read More »

Great big picture talk on cancer by Edison Liu at UC Davis Cancer Center Symposium: cool ‘long tail’ concept

Yesterday I managed to get to see a fabulous talk by Dr. Edison Liu, President and CEO of The Jackson Laboratory in Maine. I was able to squeeze it in, in between working on my R01 proposal and preparing for teaching histo to the med students here at UC Davis Med School. Dr. Liu was

Great big picture talk on cancer by Edison Liu at UC Davis Cancer Center Symposium: cool ‘long tail’ concept Read More »

Jeremy Berg interview part II: the future of NIH funding


Yesterday I had part I of my interview with NIGMS former Director, Dr. Jeremy Berg. Today we have part II of the interview, which I found very interesting and helpful in providing a glimpse into NIH. I appreciate Dr. Berg doing the interview and his frankness. Given the budgetary issues facing NIH in terms of

Jeremy Berg interview part II: the future of NIH funding Read More »

Interview with NIGMS Director, Jeremy Berg, part 1: grant advice, meritocracy


Obtaining research grant funding is a critical part of science, but the process seems to be getting more challenging each year. Funding rates are decreasing. Applicant frustration is increasing and many grant applicants tell me they feel confused about the differences between funded and unfunded proposals. The largest funder of biomedical research in the U.S.

Interview with NIGMS Director, Jeremy Berg, part 1: grant advice, meritocracy Read More »

L’Oreal Lancome gets hammered by FDA, why kid gloves for clinics?


Stem cell cosmetics is an exploding area ranging from facial creams (e.g. from L’Oreal and its Lancome) to face lifts to boob jobs to baldness treatments (see two key posts here and here for background and great stories). The stem cell cosmetics field has not been held back by issues such as the fact that

L’Oreal Lancome gets hammered by FDA, why kid gloves for clinics? Read More »

Real and imaginary conflicts of interest: a helpful guide


What are Conflict of Interests (COI)? The term COI is sometimes used inappropriately as a weapon by one party to attempt to discredit others. We see this more and more frequently in the stem cell field with boosters of for-profit, non-FDA vetted adult stem cell clinics attacking scientists for supposed COIs for what…..apparently for simply

Real and imaginary conflicts of interest: a helpful guide Read More »