Search Results for: us stem cell

Refuting the WSJ’s propaganda piece on Planned Parenthood


Does the Planned Parenthood icon at left send chills down your spine, because according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and most Republican Leaders, it should scare you greatly. An opinion piece today in the WSJ provides an extreme perspective on the debacle in which the Komen Foundation last week dropped support for Planned Parenthood,

Refuting the WSJ’s propaganda piece on Planned Parenthood Read More »

Lessons from the Komen Fiasco and Propaganda Wars


The Komen foundation has had a rough couple weeks, huh? First, it said it would not longer provide support to Planned Parenthood under pressure from anti-choice extremists, some of whom appear to have infiltrated Komen itself. Predictably, there was a firestorm of criticism that has damaged Komen and arguably may have actually been quite helpful

Lessons from the Komen Fiasco and Propaganda Wars Read More »

While my gel was running….advice for success in science to newbies

What does it take to succeed in science? Here are some key ingredients in my opinion after 22 years in academic science. Passion. One important ingredient that we cannot necessarily change significantly about ourselves, but that I think nonetheless is crucial for success, is a true excitement for science. Sometimes people even go so far

While my gel was running….advice for success in science to newbies Read More »

What does Geron’s departure mean for ACT? Some perspectives

About two months about Geron shocked and disappointed the stem cell community by dropping its stem cell program. The move was reportedly made for financial, not scientific reasons. Biotech companies have to be financially sound in order to help stem cell researchers turn science into cures and Geron’s leadership had to do what it thought

What does Geron’s departure mean for ACT? Some perspectives Read More »

Word Cloud of Every CIRM-funded grant yields some surprising insights

CIRM, the California stem cell agency, has funded hundreds of grants during its relatively short existence. You can do searches of these grants through a handy dandy web portal that CIRM has made available–it’s a very cool tool and I commend CIRM for making it available. I wish the tool had more options however including

Word Cloud of Every CIRM-funded grant yields some surprising insights Read More »

Republicans pander at extreme Anti-Cure Rally tonight

Four GOP hopefuls–Gingrich, Bachmann, Santorum, and Perry–attended an anti-cure meeting tonight to reaffirm their pledges to give human rights to fertilized eggs. Remarkably, these 4 supposedly mainstream GOP candidates for President of the United States, have embraced the notion of giving the same rights to single celled fertilized eggs that living, breathing, thinking human beings

Republicans pander at extreme Anti-Cure Rally tonight Read More »