Search Results for: yamanaka

Are iPS cells being rushed to the clinic or has their time come?

The iPS cell field has run fast and furious over the past 6 years reaching a big milestone surprisingly quickly on Monday with Shinya Yamanaka winning the Nobel Prize. But is  the field going too fast? In August I argued that iPS cells are not quite ready for primetime (i.e. clinical trial studies). Now in […]

Are iPS cells being rushed to the clinic or has their time come? Read More »

Wilmut voted most-deserving of 3rd Nobel slot with Yamanka & Gurdon in poll


I have a poll running regarding who would have been the best choice to share the Nobel Prize with Shinya Yamanaka and John Gurdon, and so far the winner is Ian Wilmut, who cloned the first mammal, Dolly the sheep. I should have included another option to indicate the possible preference that NO ONE should

Wilmut voted most-deserving of 3rd Nobel slot with Yamanka & Gurdon in poll Read More »

Poll: who should have shared in stem cell Nobel Prize in third slot?

The stem cell community is buzzing today with excitement about the Nobel Prizes deservedly awarded to Shinya Yamanaka and John Gurdon for their pioneering work on cellular reprogramming. However, it is also just as worked up about the strange omission in this award of what could have been a third scientist awarded the prize for

Poll: who should have shared in stem cell Nobel Prize in third slot? Read More »

What are the best iPS cell papers so far?


What are the most important iPS cell papers so far? 1) Yamanaka’s first paper on mouse iPS cells. Revolutionary. Intriguing perspectives presented in day 1 of the iPS cell field. Interesting statements such as Myc is required. Also take a look at those other reprogramming factors that he tested…there’s a tremendous amount there, largely unexamined.

What are the best iPS cell papers so far? Read More »

Want to understand stem cells? Then you have to know Myc

What is Myc? Often when we dig a little into the science of stem cells, people get turned off by all the strange names of molecules and jargon. However, whether you are a scientist, patient, investor, reporter, etc. there are some aspects of stem cell science that are ‘musts’ to know about. For example, you

Want to understand stem cells? Then you have to know Myc Read More »

News flash: George Bush deserves credit for iPS cells?

George Bush deserves credit for iPS cells? No way. One of the weapons in the war against stem cell therapies is the use of a seemingly simple word: “ethical”. What does it mean to do ethical science in general and in particular what is ethical stem cell research? Who decides? According to the opponents of

News flash: George Bush deserves credit for iPS cells? Read More »

Everything you need to know about publishing in the iPS cell field

I have posted before about publishing trends in the iPS cell field here and in here…. but where do things stand today? Here, I provide an important update. What’s going on now? Here I provide answers to the key questions.   How many papers are there on iPS cells? An interesting and unexpected trend for

Everything you need to know about publishing in the iPS cell field Read More »