After a bit of a hiatus in 2024, our list of regenerative medicine and stem cell meetings returns for 2025.
I’m noticing a lot of great stem cell meetings already scheduled for 2025.
With the pandemic being less of an ever-present thing, most meetings are now only in-person these days. In a way, the hybrid meetings during some of the worst COVID years were useful because not everyone can easily travel. On the other hand, there’s nothing like being present in-person at a meeting.

2025 Regenerative medicine and stem cell meetings list
If you see a good meeting that’s not on the list, let me know and I’ll add it.
This year I’m trying to avoid adding meetings that are questionable, such as those run by unproven stem cell clinic organizations. For that reason, I’ve intentionally left some out.
14th EPITA Symposium on beta cell replacement, Innsbruck, Austria, Jan. 26-28.
- Annual UC Irvine Stem Cell Meeting, Irvine, CA, Feb. 12. I wish this one was available remotely.
- Pluripotent Stem Cells: Summit on Setting Standards and Shaping Therapies, Edinburgh, UK, An ISSCR and Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult meeting.
- 5th Growth Factors in Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine Conference, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Feb. 14-17.
3rd Niche-epithelial Stem Cell Interactions in Lung Health and Disease Conference, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Feb. 17-20.
- 2025 RIKEN BDR-CuSTOM Joint Organoid Symposium, Kobe, Japan, March 5-7.
- SY-STEM 12. – 14. MARCH 2025, VIENNA (AUSTRIA).
- Gastruloid meeting Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, March 20-21.
- Stem Cells and Cancer, GRC, Ventura, CA, March 30-April 4.
- 2025 Wisconsin Stem Cell Symposium, Fitchburg, Wisconsin, April 2.
- Neural Stem Cells: Capturing Complexity and Plasticity from the Cell to the Organism, ISSCR, Athens, Greece, April 3-4.
- Regenerative Biology of the Female Reproductive System | Keystone Symposia, Beverly, MA, April 10-12.
- Uniting In Vivo and In Vitro Approaches for a Better Understanding of Gametogenesis, GRC, Barcelona Spain, April 26-27.
- Germinal Stem Cell Biology GRC, Barcelona Spain, April 27-May 2.
- ISCT 2025 New Orleans, USA, May 7–10, 2025
- Organoids: Engineering Innovative Approaches for Basic and Translational Insight | Keystone Symposia, Whistler, BC, Canada, May 11-14.
- ASGCT 28th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, May 13-17.
- Modelling Plant Stem Cells: Evolution, Development and Regeneration, Hertfordshire, UK, May 18-21.
ISSCR Annual Meeting 2025, Hong Kong, June 11-14. The ISSCR is the largest international, stem cell-focused organization. I’m a member and have been to several of the past ISSCR annual meetings. They are very worthwhile.
- GRC Central Nervous System Injury and Repair, Lucca, Italy, July 6-11.
- Stem Cells, Cell Therapies, and Bioengineering in Lung Biology and Diseases, University of Vermont, July 7-10.
Frontiers in Stem Cells & Regeneration MBL, University of Chicago, Sept. 27-Oct. 5
- 6th International Conference on Stem Cells, Crete, Greece, Oct. 1-6.
- Cell and Gene Meeting on the Mesa, Phoenix, AZ, October 6-8.
- AI and Biology: Accelerating Discovery and Therapies, ISSCR, Seattle, WA, Oct. 9-10.
- Cell Symposium: Gene and cell-based therapies: Progress in clinical translationOpens in new window, LA, CA, USA, Nov. 2-4.
- 2025 Till & McCulloch Meetings (TMM2023), Nov. 3-4, Ottawa Canada.
- 7th Congress of the French Society for Stem Cell Research, Lyon, France, Nov. 17-19.
Boston International Symposium, Boston, MA, Dec. 11-12.
67th ASH Meeting, TBD