A commenter on this blog who self-identified as “InsideXcell” has been commenting on this blog about what happened at the highly controversial German stem cell clinic, XCell-Center.
By way of background, the XCell-Center was for a time the largest stem cell clinic in all of Europe before it was shutdown. A baby who received care there died.
XCell-Center and its former leader, Dr. Cornelius Kleinbloesem (pictured at right), both have received very severe criticism in the media. For example, Kleinbloesem was accused of stealing to support a lavish lifestyle.
I did a post on the commenter InsideXcell, who in some ways defended the clinic and its operations.
InsideXcell then in further comments continued to take issue with some of the criticisms of the clinic in the media over the years and provided some novel statements about the clinic, but it remains impossible to verify if these are all factual. At the same time I have no particular reason to doubt them.
InsideXcell then submitted another, quite meaty comment for this blog, which I never approved.
The comment included a lot of possibly new and important information, but without any supporting documentation or links.
Unfortunately, the comment also made numerous statements of a nature that violated my blog’s policy on comments.
I have corresponded with him/her by email to resolve the situation (for example by editing or revising the comment), but we have not come to a meeting of the minds on it so the comment remains unposted.
I have invited InsideXcell to identify him/herself and do a Q&A with me on this blog. I’m not holding my breath, but the invitation remains open. I’m all for bridge building, but we need accountability too. I also understand why someone may choose to remain anonymous, but that poses certain challenges for dialogue.
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