This blog is having a stem cell image contest.
Submit your favorite, original photomicrographs of stem cells.
Prizes include a $100 gift card, cool stem cell logo t-shirts (see at left), and signed copies of my book, Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide.
First place wins one each of the above, while second and third place winners get the book and a t-shirt. I may add other prizes as well.
Images must be submitted to me by email at
Anyone is eligible, except members of the Knoepfler Lab.
The submitted image must be original (taken by you and not have a copyright by someone else).
By submission you agree to allow this blog the right to publish the image here.
You must include a complete, detailed description of what we are seeing in the image, and a description of the methods used (the cells, the antibodies or stains if any, the scope, etc).
Modified images are allowed, but a detailed description of any and all modifications of the image/photo must be included and excessive modification is discouraged.
Original illustrations may also be submitted.
Only two images may be submitted per person.
The deadline is April 15.