A list of stuff for your weekend reading enjoyment ranging from research pubs to news to commentary.

- Electrical Stimulation Steers Neural Stem Cells. Way to go UC Davis team; see image at right.
- Stem cell therapies: medical experts call for strict international rules. A team calls for global efforts.
- Stem cells in court: historical trends in US legal cases related to stem cells by Leigh Turner and co-author Andreia Martins Martinho.
- Risking her life to save it: Local woman tries stem cell transplant to control MS. On a patient of Richard Burt at NW, who had to fundraise for $125K to be allowed access to the experimental offering.
- FDA new post on its plans for guidance docs in 2017. Hmm, what does the part on tissue and advanced therapies relevant to stem cells mean exactly? Is no mention of the four draft guidances from past years related to stem cells and regenerative medicine a bad sign? Who knows?
- Colonic organoids for drug testing and colorectal disease modeling. Human gut in a dish?
- First ‘haploid’ human stem cells could change the face of medical research. I’m still not totally on board that these cells have the kind of transformative potential implied by the headline.
- Canadian clinics begin offering stem-cell treatments experts call unproven, possibly unsafe. It’s spreading?
- Embryonic stem cells to be available for medical use in Japan by next March
- And as a bonus, a very old, somewhat wacky and in-your-face post of mine on “Dr. No” and peer review of science manuscripts and grants. I still hate your paper….
Paul your link to Japanese times does not work can you post the quote about march 2018 and the available of hESC in Japan.