What are your weekend reads? Many of us scientists read up on specific articles over the weekend that caught our eye during the last week or two.

Here are some of my weekend reads plus some other stuff that just generally looked really interesting or unusual. The list includes both primary papers and news articles as well as including biotech news.
Enjoy! TGIF. On some of them I at times include positive (or even sometimes snarky comments). Some of the pieces in the science weekend read list have some odd metaphors this week.
(You can see my past weekend read suggestions here.)
Childhood glioma study: Live-cell single-molecule dynamics of PcG proteins imposed by the DIPG H3.3K27M mutation.
Example of peer reviewer’s comments on a Cell Stem Cell article. Interesting insights here.
Growing transplantable arteries from stem cells.
What do you get when you mix Google with CRISPR? A push for addressing heart disease. Google backs a bid to use CRISPR to prevent heart disease.
More cardiac research including reprogramming and epigenomics here from Eric N. Olson’s lab (also see graphical abstract above)
Harvard-born diabetes startup Semma reports advances in turning stem cells into insulin producers. There’s a ton going on in this space including with ViaCyte.
‘Super-Hero’ Stem Cells Survive Radiation to Regrow Muscles. Interesting, but “super-hero” metaphor is not my favorite.
The Birth-Tissue Profiteers. Perinatal (birth-related) stem cell clinic industry is out of control. Here are some of my past posts on it.
Prince Charming’s kiss unlocking brain’s regenerative potential? Hmm, another peculiar metaphor.
Stem cells make more ‘cargo’ packets to carry cellular aging therapies. This metaphor works better for me at least.
Speaking of insulin, the relationship between well-being and technological innovation may not be what most people assume:
Is this the era in which corporate malfeasance is risen to the level that causes the destruction of civilization?
“Snark” bedamned, I am disgusted…