Enter the Niche Reader Survey for chance at free stem cell swag

stem cell t-shirtIt’s helpful for me to learn about the readers of this blog The Niche in terms of who you are and your backgrounds.

Because some people may want to vote more than once on the types of posts they like the most, I’ve allowed re-voting on that poll.

Free stuff

Those who participate and leave a comment or email me to indicate they did (knoepflerATucdavisDOTedu) will be entered in a random drawing for a bundle of free swag: a stem cell t-shirt and signed copies of my three books:  Stem Cells: An Insiders Guide, my second book GMO Sapiens on use of CRISPR in people, and my newest book, this late 2019 one with my daughter Julie, How to Build a Dragon or Die Trying.

Depending on how many responses we get, I may give away 2 bundles.

For those interested in blog history, below are the results of two past reader surveys that I did to get this kind of information before.

Thanks for doing the survey and please as you read The Niche more generally consider adding in your voice in the comments.

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18 thoughts on “Enter the Niche Reader Survey for chance at free stem cell swag”

  1. Your blog, avobe all, is quite useful to me. My stem cell days a way behind now but I am quite happy to have sourfe/resource and foor for thought here in this blog, you convey cutting-edge topics on both scientce and sociopolitics. Please go on the way you have done so far.

    P.S.: If I ever win one of your book, keep it: I have all three already.

  2. Academic here from Ontario, Canada. I’m a course coordinator for many undergraduate, veterinary, and graduate courses and have little veterinary stem cell research program on the side. I don’t have a lot of time to keep up with the human regen med space too much, so your blog is so helpful in keeping me updated!

  3. I’m an academic running a postgraduate course on stem cells & regenerative medicine. I used to work for a (legitimate) company commercializing cell therapy so I have an interest in the careful clinical use of stem cells as opposed to the dodgy clinics you’ve been so good at flagging up.

  4. Journalist. Very much appreciate the work you do — I hear so many rumors, this blog has been an indispensable resource and often a good reality check, too. Thanks! Please keep blogging.

  5. Mary Frances Wogec

    Your blog is a great source of information about the stem cell sector and is tremendously helpful to those of us who work in the regulatory sector. Thank you for educating and holding us accountable!

  6. Hi! Academic and research background in molecular biology and plant science, but now unfortunately also a patient. Great blog, love it.

  7. Hi Paul. I’m a bit different from most of your readers. My scientific training in grad school and postdoc involved heavy stem cell biology. Now I am on the business end as a business development manager for a biotech company. I like your blog and recommended it to many people who reach out to me. Unfortunately, there are many who are looking for stem cell therapies for themselves or loved ones and are vulnerable to the scams out there so I recommend your blog to them for that reason. Thank you for keeping that platform out there!

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