Weekly reads: game of clones, super-SOX, Moonwalk Bio, Great Wall’s living skin

I’m trying to remember the first time I ever heard about clones. It had to be as a kid. Maybe in a monster movie or TV show? Possibly a clone was referred to by the more general term “double”, which is not necessarily a clone. Whatever it was, I’m sure as a kid that I knew it wasn’t real.

These days human cloning is a more frequent parts of television and movies. For instance, Orphan Black is a long-running TV show with clones as main characters.

clones, cloned dogs
Dog clones.

Animal clones

These days, animal clones are beyond TV and movies. They are quite real and becoming more common. People can clone their pets including dogs. Researchers can clone livestock. I hadn’t realized though that horses could be routinely cloned until I saw this new article: Game of clones: Science is immortalizing Argentina’s top polo horses, WaPo. I do recall someone mentioning to me that if someone could clone prize-winning racehorses that there would be big money there.

Apparently in some areas of polo, cloned horses are very common. Could this happen with horse racing too? At the moment it appears that thoroughbred racing bans cloned horses.

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