Search Results for: Jeanne Loring

Stem cells blast into space: Jeanne Loring on the big launch & project specs


By Jeanne Loring 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blast off! It’s good to get out of the lab occasionally to get a different perspective.   Last Thursday, December 5, I got a very different perspective, in Cape Canaveral, Florida, where I got to watch the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft be launched by […]

Stem cells blast into space: Jeanne Loring on the big launch & project specs Read More »

Autologous or Allogeneic: a stem cell question (guest post from Jeanne Loring)


By Jeanne Loring What can you do with cells that live forever and can make every cell type in the body?  The answer is: remarkable things, as new reports of clinical trials using cell types derived from pluripotent stem cells indicate. Pluripotent stem cells are either derived from embryos donated from IVF procedures (human embryonic

Autologous or Allogeneic: a stem cell question (guest post from Jeanne Loring) Read More »

Jeanne Loring’s Report from Inside FDA Stem Cell Meeting Day 1


By Jeanne Loring Paul did a good job of giving an overview of the FDA meeting today. Being in the room, I have a few observations that complement Paul’s. I’ve never been to a meeting like this- there were 42 scheduled 5 minute presentations, and this is just the first of 2 days. The question

Jeanne Loring’s Report from Inside FDA Stem Cell Meeting Day 1 Read More »

Guest Post from Jeanne Loring: Patients talk stem cells. The FDA listens.


By Jeanne Loring Last Tuesday I visited the FDA headquarters in Maryland, for a meeting called Public Meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development for Huntington’s and Parkinson’s Diseases. The FDA holds about 6 meetings on different diseases each year, inviting patients and advocates to speak while a panel of FDA directors listens. The FDA representatives at

Guest Post from Jeanne Loring: Patients talk stem cells. The FDA listens. Read More »

Michael Cea ISSCR chat with Jeanne Loring on stem cell field


ISSCR Chat By Michael Cea Jeanne Loring of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California kindly sat down with me at the ISSCR annual meeting for a broad discussion of her history, views on the field and developments in the science. I found Jeanne a refreshing character, as I did a number of others I was

Michael Cea ISSCR chat with Jeanne Loring on stem cell field Read More »

Jeanne Loring on Woo Suk Hwang Approved Patent of SCNT ESCs


If you’ve been paying attention to the stem cell world, you’ll remember Woo Suk Hwang, who nearly derailed the future of stem cell research by very publically proclaiming that he had made human embryonic stem cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). No, this has nothing to do with Shoukhrat Mitalipov’s report of successful generation

Jeanne Loring on Woo Suk Hwang Approved Patent of SCNT ESCs Read More »

Guest Post By Jeanne Loring: Efforts to Save CIRM Shared Labs

By Jeanne Loring “Shared Labs Axed” was the headline for David Jensen’s blog about the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the funding agency founded after voters approved Proposition 71, the “stem cell research and cures” initiative. I was there when the ax fell, in Los Angeles at the meeting of CIRM’s governing board, along with

Guest Post By Jeanne Loring: Efforts to Save CIRM Shared Labs Read More »

Jeanne Loring’s Thought-Provoking Guest Post on Jamie Thomson’s ISSCR Talk

By Jeanne Loring. On Wednesday afternoon at the ISSCR meeting in Boston, Jamie Thomson gave a talk about the history of human pluripotent stem cells. There were probably only a dozen people in the audience of around 3,000 who were working on human ES cells around the same time that Jamie and Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor were

Jeanne Loring’s Thought-Provoking Guest Post on Jamie Thomson’s ISSCR Talk Read More »