Search Results for: Robert Lanza

In big shift Dr. Robert Lanza exits Astellas

Dr. Robert Lanza

The recent news of Vertex Pharma buying small stem cell biotech ViaCyte and Doug Melton moving to Vertex brought to mind an old stem cell biotech called Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) and its leader, stem cell biologist Dr. Robert Lanza. Years ago, big pharma firm Astellas bought ACT and Lanza moved to be a leader of regenerative […]

In big shift Dr. Robert Lanza exits Astellas Read More »

Brief update from Bob Lanza on Astellas stem cell program


Late in 2015, one of the pioneering stem cell and regenerative medicine biotechs, Ocata Therapeutics (fka as ACT or Advanced Cell Technology) was acquired by Astellas Pharma. At the time of purchase, Ocata had a number of areas of focus, but was most closely followed for its development of human embryonic stem cell-based retinal pigmented epithelial

Brief update from Bob Lanza on Astellas stem cell program Read More »

Brief quote from Bob Lanza on Ocata acquisition by Astellas

Dr. Robert Lanza

I asked Ocata CSO, Bob Lanza, for a comment on the big news of the acquisition of the company by Astellas. Here’s what he had to say: “I can say that this is an exciting time for regenerative medicine.  The merger should greatly accelerate the pace of discovery, and, I hope, lead to treatments for

Brief quote from Bob Lanza on Ocata acquisition by Astellas Read More »

Што се матични клетки?

Radica Schenck

Што се матични клетки? (Editor’s note: this is another in our series of stem cell outreach posts. This one provides key information on stem cells in Macedonian.) Што се матични клетки? Што се матични клетки? | Зошто се важни матичните клетки? | Видови на матични клетки | Што се иПМ клетки? | Иднината на терапиите

Што се матични клетки? Read More »

Stem cell news & pubs: Parkinson’s, Freezing, COVID, & More


I find following both stem cell news and the stream of interesting publications to be kind of fun and thought-provoking. This past week or two has been very busy. Here is a news summary and list of notable pubs. Stem Cell News on Parkinson’s Disease There were a number of interesting developments on the Parkinson’s

Stem cell news & pubs: Parkinson’s, Freezing, COVID, & More Read More »

Stem cell news bites: Astellas trial, cystic fibrosis claim, a few cool papers


Stem cell news is always burbling up, sometimes right there in front of us on the web and other times via networks of people. Astellas news. Some may remember there used to be this pioneering stem cell biotech called ACT, which then became Ocata, and finally was acquired by the big company Astellas. One of

Stem cell news bites: Astellas trial, cystic fibrosis claim, a few cool papers Read More »