Search Results for: Scientist in the Garden

Scientist in the garden: dragonfly eyes, bees bite flowers, cool tomatoes, & tips


What’s the deal with dragonfly eyes? They are so huge! We’ll zoom in on them. Do bees bite? Yes, but not the way you might think. Growing cool tomatoes? I have some thoughts on that too. I’m a scientist and a gardener so it’s not surprising I write an occasional series here on The Niche […]

Scientist in the garden: dragonfly eyes, bees bite flowers, cool tomatoes, & tips Read More »

Scientist in the garden: purple cauliflower & other cool photos


I’ve been gardening since I was a kid and I guess I’ve been a scientist that long too so now it’s time for another installment of “scientist in the garden.” You can see past such posts here, which usually include various cool photos.  Today’s post is focused on unusual things in the garden. Getting out

Scientist in the garden: purple cauliflower & other cool photos Read More »

Scientist in the Garden: lessons for stem cells & science


Here’s another edition of my posts over the years in my series ‘The Scientist in the Garden’. Can gardening teach us some important things about stem cells and about doing science more generally? Regular readers of this blog know that I am really into gardening and especially during the last 5 or so years I’ve been

Scientist in the Garden: lessons for stem cells & science Read More »

Scientist in the garden: tomato crop builds, faces giant enemy


As regular readers of this blog know, one of my hobbies is gardening and I like to bring a scientific perspective to the garden. This year in my garden I’ve planted a whole bunch of tomatoes including unusual and fun varieties. Little did I know that a giant tomato enemy would arrive. More on that

Scientist in the garden: tomato crop builds, faces giant enemy Read More »

Scientists try not to lose it with their labs shut by the pandemic


How can we scientists find ways to keep doing our research during the COVID19 pandemic even if it has nothing to do with the coronavirus? Also, how should those of us involved in science communication talk about the outbreak? At a more basic level, how can scientists try not to go bonkers during this dark

Scientists try not to lose it with their labs shut by the pandemic Read More »

Seven sins of scientists: starting with failure to cite

These days when we think of the words “scientific” and “sin”, we might conjure up an image of a stem cell scientist being called a sinner by extremist anti-stem cell activists. As you know, I think that is bogus. In this article that’s not the kind of scientific sin I’m talking about. Rather, I’m talking

Seven sins of scientists: starting with failure to cite Read More »