Search Results for: huntington's disease

Hope & hype on unpublished Huntington’s Disease trial splashy news


Some conditions like Huntington’s Disease are so bad and there are no treatments such that any bit of encouraging news can be cause for legitimate excitement, but at the same time things can go too far potentially, especially if there is news coverage not backed up by a published paper or some other definitive source […]

Hope & hype on unpublished Huntington’s Disease trial splashy news Read More »

Recommended reads: private cord blood bank disappointments, Mammoth genomes, Huntington’s CRISPR, Parkinson’s cell therapy

umbilical-cord-blood, umbilical cord blood stem cells

The private cord blood bank industry has promised families all kinds of great things over the years. A typical ad for such cord blood banks might say, “Your child may need cord blood in the future for a cure.” The industry also often uses the analogy of frozen cord blood as an insurance policy for

Recommended reads: private cord blood bank disappointments, Mammoth genomes, Huntington’s CRISPR, Parkinson’s cell therapy Read More »

Stem cells for MS & other weekly reads: CRISPR, COVID & a bat cave, Huntington’s


About 1 million people are living with multiple sclerosis in the U.S. alone with millions of other cases around the world so a huge effort has gone into trying to find new approaches to the disease including stem cells for MS. We’ll start our weekly recommended reads by talking about a new paper on MS

Stem cells for MS & other weekly reads: CRISPR, COVID & a bat cave, Huntington’s Read More »

UC Davis CRISPR Meeting Panel: A View from the Trenches on Human Disease


The second session at our CRISPR meeting was really powerful. As with other posts from the UC Davis CRISPR meeting, since I was taking notes on the fly during this session, this post is a stream of bits from the different talks, often trying to capture the essence of key questions or ideas as the speakers

UC Davis CRISPR Meeting Panel: A View from the Trenches on Human Disease Read More »

Just freakin do it: patients voice impatience on CRISPR for genetic diseases


Both before and particularly now after the big human gene editing summit in Washington, D.C. at the National Academy of Sciences, I’ve talked with patients about their views on this new technology including at last week’s World Stem Cell Summit. One of the most striking moments of the DC summit was when the mother of

Just freakin do it: patients voice impatience on CRISPR for genetic diseases Read More »

Tool to easily search for a stem cell clinical trial for your disease

clinicaltrials.gov_ is where you want to go for finding a certain clinical trial and studies. Note that this U.S. database includes international trials. It is a very powerful tool! Check it out here to do your own searches. Also follow me on Twitter for all the latest info and expert analysis: and this patient’s

Tool to easily search for a stem cell clinical trial for your disease Read More »

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award


I received a score of great nominations for the Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award and have briefly described the twenty nominees below. The point of the award is to honor the top positive stem cell leader who specifically thinks outside the box and takes risks. I’ve started an on-line vote where you can vote once per day for

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award Read More »

Guest Post from Jeanne Loring: Patients talk stem cells. The FDA listens.


By Jeanne Loring Last Tuesday I visited the FDA headquarters in Maryland, for a meeting called Public Meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development for Huntington’s and Parkinson’s Diseases. The FDA holds about 6 meetings on different diseases each year, inviting patients and advocates to speak while a panel of FDA directors listens. The FDA representatives at

Guest Post from Jeanne Loring: Patients talk stem cells. The FDA listens. Read More »