Search Results for: maria millan

Weekly reads: RMAT jump, tissues as liquid crystals, gov stem cell advisor scammed of $650K

RMAT, FDA data

The FDA has a unique mechanism called RMAT or regenerative medicine advanced therapy designation. It’s intended to move investigational regenerative therapies forward more effectively. RMAT data I recently updated The Niche RMAT list and it has jumped to 85. The FDA has approved many new RMATs this year. The data on how many applications the FDA […]

Weekly reads: RMAT jump, tissues as liquid crystals, gov stem cell advisor scammed of $650K Read More »

Prop 14 California: Big Expectations for CIRM 3.0

cirm prop 14 california millan allday knoepfler

Approval of Prop 14 California last month to renew CIRM was one of the biggest state election developments of 2020. Yet it didn’t get much news coverage somehow. The exception is David Jensen over at California Stem Cell Report, who has been a great source of information about the various news surrounding Prop 14 and

Prop 14 California: Big Expectations for CIRM 3.0 Read More »

Loring on how documentary tied to stem cell clinics began to unravel


By Jeanne Loring There has been news over the last few days about stem cell researchers pulling out from a documentary called “The Healthcare Revolution”.  First to report on June 15 was Erin Allday of the San Francisco Chronicle, followed by David Jensen’s California Stem Cell Report blog, Michael Hiltzik of the LA Times, and

Loring on how documentary tied to stem cell clinics began to unravel Read More »

Update on CIRM’s future: will it include 2020 measure?


The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, more widely known as CIRM, has accomplished big things over the course of its history of about a decade and sparked a great deal of innovation, but what does the future hold for our stem cell agency? CIRM has a new, respected President and CEO Maria Millan solving one

Update on CIRM’s future: will it include 2020 measure? Read More »

Stem cell good news: Spinal Cord Injury Trial, CIRM, Grants, & More


Stem cell good news time and more will be coming later this week. The stem cell and regenerative medicine world sometimes feels chaotic. Why? Because so much is going on both on the positive and negative sides of things. There is a whirlwind of activity and developments, and a tendency sometimes within our arena to

Stem cell good news: Spinal Cord Injury Trial, CIRM, Grants, & More Read More »

President Mills Leaving, CIRM Needs New Leader to Navigate Future Challenges


CIRM announced today that its President and CEO, Randy Mills, is soon leaving for a new job as President of the National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match in Minnesota. Update: Dr. Maria Millan, the CIRM Vice President of Therapeutics, will be its leader starting July 1 until a new leader is chosen. For this kind of

President Mills Leaving, CIRM Needs New Leader to Navigate Future Challenges Read More »

Report from Medical Board of California meeting on stem cell clinics


This afternoon I attended and gave public comment at the Medical Board of California stem cell task force meeting on unproven stem cell clinics. There were about 40 people attending. In part this meeting is a consequence of the national governing organization of state medical boards, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) having worked

Report from Medical Board of California meeting on stem cell clinics Read More »