Search Results for: personhood movement

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California

Remember those folks who were pushing an amendment in Mississippi that would have defined the one cell fertilized egg as a full blown person with all the same rights as a living, breathing, thinking Mississippian? Now the new battlefront for their movement is California. They want to get an initiative on the ballot to make […]

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California Read More »

The anti-cure movement continues attacks on stem cell research, this time in Missouri

The opponents of hope, those anti-cure crusaders, will not give up and they are active on both the state and federal levels. Today we heard from the S. Louis Beacon that “Missouri Roundtable for Life” is aiming for a 2012 ballot initiative to change the definition of human cloning in such a way that some forms

The anti-cure movement continues attacks on stem cell research, this time in Missouri Read More »

Why we shouldn’t view the human embryo as a gizmo even in the CRISPR era


My first job in science was as a lab technician at UCSD School of Medicine and a big part of that job was growing cells called HUVECs or human umbilical vein endothelial cells. We isolated and grew the HUVECs from umbilical cords that we retrieved from the maternity ward of the UCSD hospital, which first

Why we shouldn’t view the human embryo as a gizmo even in the CRISPR era Read More »

Predictions for the stem cell field for 2013: but first how did I do predicting for 2012?

Every year I make predictions about what the following year will bring us in the stem cell field. For example, last year I made some predictions for 2012 and I shortly will do a post on my predictions for 2013. First, how did I do with my predictions for this year, which I made in

Predictions for the stem cell field for 2013: but first how did I do predicting for 2012? Read More »

If Romney wins, look for extremist Witherspoon Council to control his stem cell policy

The odds of Mitt Romney becoming our next President seem to be increasing. If Romney becomes our next president, what will he do about stem cells? He’ll be an active enemy of embryonic stem cell research. He’ll support the crazy personhood movement. Why do I say that? Earlier this year I had a run in

If Romney wins, look for extremist Witherspoon Council to control his stem cell policy Read More »

Alienable: how personifying corporations & zygotes robs real people of their rights

In the U.S. Declaration of Independence three “inalienable rights” are said to be endowed on people: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People also have other rights in the U.S. including freedom of speech and religion. These rights seem clear enough, but wait a minute….what are “people”? What entity qualifies as a “person” to

Alienable: how personifying corporations & zygotes robs real people of their rights Read More »

Has the culture war on stem cells turned into a cold war?

The culture warriors of the Right to Life movement and some of the more radical elements in the Tea Party have waged war on embryonic stem cell (ESC) research and researchers. Tagging along like some reluctant bride has been the leadership of the Republican Party. Folks like Mitt Romney and his partner, Paul Ryan, now

Has the culture war on stem cells turned into a cold war? Read More »

Meet the real, not so charming Paul Ryan: an extremist out of touch with most Americans

Mitt Romney announced on Saturday that his running mate would be Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. Ryan is a handsome, charming guy who American’s can tell already is much more at ease campaigning than Romney. However, Ryan’s voting record is extremely troubling and far from charming. In fact, it is downright ugly. The Chronicle of

Meet the real, not so charming Paul Ryan: an extremist out of touch with most Americans Read More »

Republicans pander at extreme Anti-Cure Rally tonight

Four GOP hopefuls–Gingrich, Bachmann, Santorum, and Perry–attended an anti-cure meeting tonight to reaffirm their pledges to give human rights to fertilized eggs. Remarkably, these 4 supposedly mainstream GOP candidates for President of the United States, have embraced the notion of giving the same rights to single celled fertilized eggs that living, breathing, thinking human beings

Republicans pander at extreme Anti-Cure Rally tonight Read More »