Search Results for: stem cells clinics

When the fat stem cells hit the fire, will clinics sued by FDA opt to stop soon?


Will the adipose stem cell clinic firms facing permanent injunction suits by the FDA — U.S. Stem Cell Inc. (USRM) and California Stem Cell Treatment Center (CSCTC)/Cell Surgical Network (CSN) — cool it in the sense of voluntarily shutting down their commercial fat stem cell injections of customers soon pending the outcomes of the suits? […]

When the fat stem cells hit the fire, will clinics sued by FDA opt to stop soon? Read More »

Cell Surgical Network, largest group of US clinics, using lab-expanded stem cells in patients?


Is the largest affiliated group of stem cell clinics in America, Cell Surgical Network, now using laboratory-proliferated stem cells in patients? Do they already have some kind of final FDA approval for this clinical approach given that lab-grown stem cells are generally viewed as drugs requiring premarket approval? Over the years I’ve reached out to

Cell Surgical Network, largest group of US clinics, using lab-expanded stem cells in patients? Read More »

Wanted both dead & alive: amniotic stem cell clinics sell zombie cells?


Some amniotic stem cell clinics seem to be trying to have their cake and eat it too. Generally the amniotic stem cell clinics market their products as “stem cells” and the implication is that living stem cells are used to effectively treat many medical conditions. I have not seen it mentioned that what some of

Wanted both dead & alive: amniotic stem cell clinics sell zombie cells? Read More »

FDA warning points to tougher regulation of fat stem cells & clinics


Last week I blogged about how the FDA had issued a warning letter to a series of three co-owned fat stem cell clinics across the US. What does this FDA action mean on the broader stem cell clinic arena, particularly to those selling fat stem cells? The FDA is still in the process of getting public comment

FDA warning points to tougher regulation of fat stem cells & clinics Read More »

Stem cell therapy side effects & risks at clinics

stem cell therapy side effects, stem cell risks

What are possible side effects of stem cell therapy ? Patients often reach out to ask about such risks They usually refer to unproven stem cell clinics. Today’s post addresses the scope of stem cell therapy side effects and risks based on available hard data. It’s also important to discuss possible unknown risks. Stem cell

Stem cell therapy side effects & risks at clinics Read More »

Weekly reads: NIH freeze even before RFK confirmation, FDA warnings, RP stem cell trial data

NIH freeze

RFK isn’t even confirmed as HHS Secretary and things are going south already with an NIH freeze. What do I mean? NIH freeze could do lasting damage to biomedical research The Trump Administration has frozen many NIH processes including meetings such as study sections that evaluate grant proposals. No study sections means almost no new

Weekly reads: NIH freeze even before RFK confirmation, FDA warnings, RP stem cell trial data Read More »

Winner of The Screamers Science Hype Award: local TV stations pushing stem cell clinics

The Screamers Award, Science Hype Award

It’s important to pay attention to science hype, which is the rationale for The Screamers Science Hype Awards. As far as I know, it’s the only award for science hype. Exaggerating research and medical potential clearly does harm. I wrote a few weeks ago about the nominees for the 2024 The Screamers Awards. Now it’s

Winner of The Screamers Science Hype Award: local TV stations pushing stem cell clinics Read More »

FDA stem cell oversight at risk as clinics to ask SCOTUS to weigh in

FDA stem cell oversight

The U.S. Supreme Court could soon have a historic opportunity to limit the scope of FDA stem cell oversight. A large stem cell clinic firm now says it plans to ask SCOTUS to review a case it recently lost on appeal to the FDA. If SCOTUS takes the case, the FDA could find its powers

FDA stem cell oversight at risk as clinics to ask SCOTUS to weigh in Read More »

Weekly reads: stem cell therapies that work, exosomes, H3.3 K27M, Joe Rogan

stem cell therapy

How close are we to having new stem cell therapies that work? The field is nearly there on several fronts, but we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves. Last week I noted the “soon” in a Nature News headline “Stem cells head to the clinic: treatments for cancer, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease could soon be here.”

Weekly reads: stem cell therapies that work, exosomes, H3.3 K27M, Joe Rogan Read More »