Search Results for: young blood

Anti-aging and the billionaires young blood & stem cell club

Old-man-getting-young-bloodSeason-4-episode-5-of-Silicon-Valley-22Blood-Boy22, stem cells anti-aging

What is the Billionaire’s blood & stem cell club and how does one get into that? The focus of what I’m satirically calling this “billionaire’s club” is on anti-aging and prolonging life. If you have a lot of money and are willing to take risks on yourself toward some specific goal such as staying young […]

Anti-aging and the billionaires young blood & stem cell club Read More »

Young blood as anti-aging fountain of youth: hype or hope?


There’s an idea floating around out there called “young blood” to use donations from young folks to infuse older people to reverse aging. I’m skeptical. Imagine an old man and a teenager sitting side by side, with blood flowing from the kid to the oldster in a stab at anti-aging. Sort of like a one-way

Young blood as anti-aging fountain of youth: hype or hope? Read More »

Parabiosis and young blood anti-aging in mice


    Parabiosis and aging When it comes to anti-aging science, creepy meets cool with “young blood” in new blood mixing studies just published. The researchers report that blood from young animals literally makes older animals younger. That striking claim is made by both of two independent teams. They published high-profile papers that just came

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Recommended reads: private cord blood bank disappointments, Mammoth genomes, Huntington’s CRISPR, Parkinson’s cell therapy

umbilical-cord-blood, umbilical cord blood stem cells

The private cord blood bank industry has promised families all kinds of great things over the years. A typical ad for such cord blood banks might say, “Your child may need cord blood in the future for a cure.” The industry also often uses the analogy of frozen cord blood as an insurance policy for

Recommended reads: private cord blood bank disappointments, Mammoth genomes, Huntington’s CRISPR, Parkinson’s cell therapy Read More »

Weekly reads: Google, CIRM, young Swedish bone marrow

Google stem cell side effects

For me, this was another week of heavy grant writing but also taking on Google again. How? Over how badly its search engine often performs on stem cell queries. I have a new piece at MedPage Today. It’s focused on the problem of Google Search promoting unproven stem cell clinic websites. Google still prefers stem

Weekly reads: Google, CIRM, young Swedish bone marrow Read More »

Nature paper claims young CSF fights brain aging in mice

old mice get young CSF

A new Nature paper argues that young CSF fights brain aging. Young CSF vs. young blood CSF is the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain, including those of young mice. The claim is that when young CSF is injected into the brain/CNS cavity of old mice, it makes the aged brains seem younger. And function

Nature paper claims young CSF fights brain aging in mice Read More »

Cord blood for cerebral palsy: mostly discouraging new trial data

umbilical-cord-blood, umbilical cord blood stem cells

Some notable newly published Phase II data from the Duke cord blood for cerebral palsy trial unfortunately doesn’t give much reason for optimism that this approach is going to have a substantial positive effect for these kids. The double-blinded, placebo-controlled study did not find a meaningful benefit overall from infusions of autologous cord blood (ACB) for

Cord blood for cerebral palsy: mostly discouraging new trial data Read More »

Prostate cancer and PSA tests: perspectives of a young survivor

cancer stem cells

How has prostate cancer changed my life?  On Sunday I was working on grading some papers before dinner when up popped a “you’ve got mail” kind of message. The email said that my PSA (the blood test for prostate cancer) test results were ready. Yay! I was diagnosed with a serious prostate cancer about 28 months

Prostate cancer and PSA tests: perspectives of a young survivor Read More »

Weekly reads: Vertex, stem cells for MS, Athersys, 900-day paper review at Nature

“While still early, these results support the continued progression of our VX-880 clinical studies, as well as future studies using our encapsulated islet cells, which hold the potential to be used without the need for immunosuppression,” said Bastiano Sanna, Ph.D., executive vice president and chief of cell and genetic therapies at Vertex.

Vertex Pharmaceuticals has a lot going for it right now on the cell therapy front. For instance, they have the strongest type 1 diabetes cell therapy pipeline after some recent acquisitions. Still it’s not a simple matter to succeed in the cell therapy space even with one therapy for one targeted disease. Trials are tough

Weekly reads: Vertex, stem cells for MS, Athersys, 900-day paper review at Nature Read More »

Biological age, health flexing, & stabs at rejuvenation

health flexing, biological age

We all know people who seem far younger than their age, which feeds into the idea of biological age. It’s often in the news these days and all over social media. Some people who are fighting high-profile battles with aging are also doing something I call “health flexing.” I also called these folks by another

Biological age, health flexing, & stabs at rejuvenation Read More »