Why I finally bought stock in Advanced Cell Technology


Today after years of following the company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), I finally bought stock (ACTC) in it. Why? As a stem cell researcher myself working on human ES cells, iPS cells, and many other types of stem cells, I have been following ACT for years, but have never pulled the trigger to buy their stock….until […]

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While my gel was running: advice for success for science newbies

What does it take to succeed in research including for science newbies? Here are some key ingredients in my opinion after 22 years in academic science. Passion. One important ingredient that we cannot necessarily change significantly about ourselves, but that I think nonetheless is crucial for success, is a true excitement for science. Sometimes people

While my gel was running: advice for success for science newbies Read More »

Stem cell treatments, drugs, and the key facts you need to know

This post is focused on the important facts you need to know about stem cells as drugs and stem cell treatments. Many of the folks out there who want to earn a living to scamming vulnerable patients with so-called “stem cell treatments” have been upset that the U.S. FDA continues to view stem cell-based therapies

Stem cell treatments, drugs, and the key facts you need to know Read More »

What does Geron’s departure mean for ACT? Some perspectives


About two months about Geron shocked and disappointed the stem cell community by dropping its stem cell program. The move was reportedly made for financial, not scientific reasons. Biotech companies have to be financially sound in order to help stem cell researchers turn science into cures and Geron’s leadership had to do what it thought

What does Geron’s departure mean for ACT? Some perspectives Read More »

Portrait of an alleged stem cell fraud: my thoughts on 60 Minutes episode

Last night 60 Minutes broadcasted ( you can watch the episode here) a long awaited 2nd segment in their continuing investigation of stem cell fraud. The first segment investigating phony doctors Stowe and Morales led to their ultimate pursuit by the FBI and indictment, aired in a couple years ago. The new episode on stem

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My message to sellers of dubious stem cell treatments: time to quit

Lawrence-Stowe, stem cell treatments

Over the past year the FDA and FBI have stepped up their actions related to sellers of dubious stem cell treatments. Most recently we have seen arrests of “Drs.” Morales and Stowe as well as others. Mr. Stowe, who is not a medical doctor, remains a fugitive of the FBI. Has the FBI now effectively

My message to sellers of dubious stem cell treatments: time to quit Read More »

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