
Cell Surgical Network, largest group of US clinics, using lab-expanded stem cells in patients?


Is the largest affiliated group of stem cell clinics in America, Cell Surgical Network, now using laboratory-proliferated stem cells in patients? Do they already have some kind of final FDA approval for this clinical approach given that lab-grown stem cells are generally viewed as drugs requiring premarket approval? Over the years I’ve reached out to […]

Cell Surgical Network, largest group of US clinics, using lab-expanded stem cells in patients? Read More »

Nervana stem cell clinic: big ads in SacBee & big questions continue


The local stem cell clinic here in Sacramento, Nervana Stem Cell Centers, continues to advertise treatments in The Sacramento Bee and there continue to be big questions about this situation. I’ve blogged about Nervana before and you can see the archived posts here. Nervana must be spending big money on advertising because they have run many

Nervana stem cell clinic: big ads in SacBee & big questions continue Read More »

Woman’s death after “no big deal” fat stem cell therapy: coroner investigating


An elderly woman in Australia reportedly died shortly after receiving a fat stem cell transplant. Sheila Drysdale passed away hours after getting an adipose stem cell treatment a few days before Christmas in 2013. That death is now being investigated by the coroner there. Not only is this death in Sydney distressing in it of

Woman’s death after “no big deal” fat stem cell therapy: coroner investigating Read More »

Sacramento amniotic stem cell clinic advertises again, but by another name


Remember Nervana Stem Cell Center, an amniotic stem cell clinic here in the Sacramento area, which I’ve posted about before here and here. One big question about Nervana remains unanswered: is its apparent marketing of amniotic stem cells for arthritis and other conditions is OK with the FDA? Another question has been, “who are the medical

Sacramento amniotic stem cell clinic advertises again, but by another name Read More »

CNN blows it on Celltex, controversial stem cell clinic in Mexico


CNN stumbled badly on its recent article on Celltex, a Texas-owned stem cell clinic that has seen more than its share of controversy over the years including tangles with the FDA. As a result, the company has moved its clinical operations to Mexico where oversight is more lax. Their customers include American patients in Mexico

CNN blows it on Celltex, controversial stem cell clinic in Mexico Read More »

Tex-Mex Stem Cell Clinic, Celltex, on PR roll with young & famous patients


Remember good old Celltex? That’s the Texas stem cell clinic with the famous patient, former Texas Governor and two-time GOP Presidential hopeful, Rick Perry. It ran afoul of the FDA and headed for the border, setting up shop in Cancun, Mexico. They have since mostly flown under the radar with the exception of their concerning

Tex-Mex Stem Cell Clinic, Celltex, on PR roll with young & famous patients Read More »

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