science blogging

Science blogging is important for educational outreach to the public and to other scientists.

As Neuroskeptic blog ends, reflections on skeptical science blogging

skeptic magazine science blogging

It seems like being somewhat skeptical would be an inherent part of being a biomedical scientist. But not always it seems. On the other hand, some of us take it to another level by science blogging out our skepticism about certain topics. Note that there’s something called the Skeptics Society that publishes a magazine Skeptic. […]

As Neuroskeptic blog ends, reflections on skeptical science blogging Read More »

Stem cell blogging dilemmas: patient disclosures, lawsuits, & more


After all this time writing on The Niche here since 2010, I still haven’t entirely resolved certain blogging dilemmas including when a patient discloses something. It’s kind of a jungle out there on the internet. What kinds of tough blogging dilemmas do I face? I’m just going to give you some examples of the more common

Stem cell blogging dilemmas: patient disclosures, lawsuits, & more Read More »