macular degeneration

Masayo Takahashi (高橋 政代): exciting vision work advancing including with photoreceptors

Masayo Takahashi, 高橋-政代.

Masayo Takahashi is a leading stem cell researcher doing translational and clinical research on vision. She’s doing pioneering work on using pluripotent stem cells as a basis for helping patients with vision loss such as due to macular degeneration. She won The Niche’s Stem Cell Person of the Year Award in 2014 and a number […]

Masayo Takahashi (高橋 政代): exciting vision work advancing including with photoreceptors Read More »

Stem cell news bites: Astellas trial, cystic fibrosis claim, a few cool papers


Stem cell news is always burbling up, sometimes right there in front of us on the web and other times via networks of people. Astellas news. Some may remember there used to be this pioneering stem cell biotech called ACT, which then became Ocata, and finally was acquired by the big company Astellas. One of

Stem cell news bites: Astellas trial, cystic fibrosis claim, a few cool papers Read More »

Ocata bought by Astellas of Japan: initial perspectives on end of an era


Bombshell news in the stem cell field as Ocata Therapeutics (OCAT; formerly Advanced Cell Technology or ACT) is reportedly to be acquired by Astellas Pharma, Inc. The offer for purchase of OCAT will be $8.50/share or almost $380 million. For more details see this detailed PDF from Astellas. This quote on the deal form Ocata: “Paul

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Masayo Takahashi (高橋 政代) on IPSC Trial for Vision


Masayo Takahashi (高橋 政代) on IPSC Trial for Macular Degeneration By Michael Cea Stem Cell Analyst & Advocate (editor’s note: piece was originally posted on Michael’s blog here; follow Michael on Twitter @msemporda) Masayo Takahashi interview Having followed closely the developments in programs using pluripotent based therapeutics I was fortunate during ISSCR2015 to have the opportunity to

Masayo Takahashi (高橋 政代) on IPSC Trial for Vision Read More »

Landmark IPSC clinical study on hold due to genomic issue


The pioneering induced pluripotent stem cell (IPSC) clinical study in Japan led by top stem cell clinical researcher Dr. Masayo Takahashi has been stopped reports the WSJ in Japan. This development is confirmed by other sources and in a PDF report by RIKEN (in Japanese here). One patient was transplanted in September 2014 with their own IPSC-derived

Landmark IPSC clinical study on hold due to genomic issue Read More »