Patient Questions

Patients stem cell Q&A#1: can clinic injections cause GVHD?


People ask me questions about stem cells all the time so I decide to do a new blog series answering your questions. Today’s post is  the first in this new stem cell Q&A series. Past series have included my Elephant in the Lab series that provides some insights into the craziness that sometimes goes on […]

Patients stem cell Q&A#1: can clinic injections cause GVHD? Read More »

Contemplating patients contacting me about stem cells


Lately on average patients or patient relatives contact me about stem cells more than once a week. That’s about 50 times a year. The patients or their parents have questions about stem cells most often. Sometimes they have comments about this blog. Other times they ask for medical advice from me. Because I am a

Contemplating patients contacting me about stem cells Read More »

Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient?


When I talk to people about stem cell science and the timeline for turning data into treatments and cures, their reactions completely depend on whom they are. Scientists are patient, perhaps too patient….perhaps too understanding of the many years that we are told that science takes to get something to the clinic. Patients and patient

Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient? Read More »

Should men get a PSA test for prostate cancer? Yes, but…..

cancer stem cells

Should men get a PSA test for prostate cancer? The same federal panel that recommended that women in their 40s not get routine mammograms has now come forth with the statement that PSA testing men for detection of prostate cancer should be stopped. I think it is not that simple and I still believe in

Should men get a PSA test for prostate cancer? Yes, but….. Read More »