stem cell clinical trials

What should we call “stem cell clinics” & is “snake oil” too harsh for some?


Is “snake oil” too harsh a term for some of what is sold at some of the worst stem cell clinics? Is the phrase “stem cell clinics” itself accurate and useful in a broad sense? When we read or write the phrase “stem cell clinics”, most people generally know what we’re talking about, but it […]

What should we call “stem cell clinics” & is “snake oil” too harsh for some? Read More »

Just one word placentas: Can Celularity live up to hype?


I’ve been blogging about stem cells now for about 8 years and the recent level of hype about and fluffy media coverage of Celularity, the biotech spun out of Celgene, ranks right up here with the most extreme past cases I’ve seen. What is Celularity and who is its leadership? It’s a new biotech focused

Just one word placentas: Can Celularity live up to hype? Read More »

Stem cells for scleroderma, new NEJM article reports promise


The idea of using stem cells for scleroderma seems a bit more promising today. A new NIH-funded study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) gives some hope for the use of a combination of a specific type of myeloablation and a transplant of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). This approach yields improved long-term

Stem cells for scleroderma, new NEJM article reports promise Read More »

Update on CIRM’s future: will it include 2020 measure?


The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, more widely known as CIRM, has accomplished big things over the course of its history of about a decade and sparked a great deal of innovation, but what does the future hold for our stem cell agency? CIRM has a new, respected President and CEO Maria Millan solving one

Update on CIRM’s future: will it include 2020 measure? Read More »

On the threshold of cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease


By Jeanne Loring There are ten million people in the world who have Parkinson’s disease. 125,000 of these are living in California.  People with the disease often have to step away from their jobs because the main symptoms – tremor or freezing up of muscles – make it difficult to get through a whole day

On the threshold of cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease Read More »

Stem cell good news: Spinal Cord Injury Trial, CIRM, Grants, & More


Stem cell good news time and more will be coming later this week. The stem cell and regenerative medicine world sometimes feels chaotic. Why? Because so much is going on both on the positive and negative sides of things. There is a whirlwind of activity and developments, and a tendency sometimes within our arena to

Stem cell good news: Spinal Cord Injury Trial, CIRM, Grants, & More Read More »

Trial of Stem Cells for Parkinson’s Disease on Horizon

Is a treatment based on stem cells for Parkinson’s Disease on the horizon? A Japanese team of researchers led by Dr. Jun Takahashi, professor at Kyoto University is reportedly aiming to start on human studies of an induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-based treatment for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) as early as fiscal year (FY) 2014. In

Trial of Stem Cells for Parkinson’s Disease on Horizon Read More »