stem cells

Sweet 16 Science Twitter Accounts To Follow Innovative Medicine


Below are 16 Science Twitter accounts that I think are musts to follow for those interested in transformative science and also medicine from a wide range of diverse, thought-provoking perspectives. I could list 160, but I’ve picked these 16 as a nice sampling with a lean towards those willing to take a risk in what […]

Sweet 16 Science Twitter Accounts To Follow Innovative Medicine Read More »

Stem cells run amok: Jill Howlin’s satirical cartoon look


Jill Howlin’s drawings about science and policy have a unique, edgy style that packs a punch. I have invited her to weigh in here now and then with new illustrations that touch upon stem cell or other innovative biomedical matters. Jill’s new drawing today relates to some key stem cell issues such as clinical safety, choice of stem cells, homologous

Stem cells run amok: Jill Howlin’s satirical cartoon look Read More »

Pain in a dish? Drug testing bench to bedside with IPS cells


A new study on treating pain with a unique stem cell connection caught my attention. The paper was from a team at Pfizer led by Edward B. Stevens. Talk about bench to bedside, these researchers went all the way from patients to patient somatic cells to reprogrammed IPSC to neurons to model pain in a dish

Pain in a dish? Drug testing bench to bedside with IPS cells Read More »

Will there be a Theranos of the stem cell field?


Blood testing biotech Theranos finds itself in a hole that seemingly just keeps getting deeper with the report today that the company is under criminal investigation. Can it bounce back? Some people are really upset with Theranos for allegedly making misleading statements including both to investors and the government about its technologies. It’s no exaggeration

Will there be a Theranos of the stem cell field? Read More »

Keys to successful stem cell translation – Nurses, physicians and patient advocates


Editor’s note: this is a guest post on stem cell translation. By Heather Main I recently attended the UCSD Health CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Network Symposium at the Sanford Consortium, San Diego. There was of course some great academic research presented, including conflicting views on liver stem cell compartments from Roel Nusse and David

Keys to successful stem cell translation – Nurses, physicians and patient advocates Read More »

Stem cell clinic Nervana new ad claims no side effects & FDA OK


Stem cell clinics like Nervana are spreading like wild-fire across the U.S. A few months back the Sacramento area got a new stem cell clinic selling amniotic stem cell therapies for a variety of ills including most prominently arthritis and pain. This clinic is called Nervana Stem Cell Center. I first noticed it via a

Stem cell clinic Nervana new ad claims no side effects & FDA OK Read More »

Content Wiped on Websites of Stem Cell Clinics Warned by FDA


A couple of months back, the FDA issued a warning letter to three co-owned stem cell clinics selling fat stem cell-based interventions to patients for a variety of ills. You can read all about the warning letter here. It went to lead clinic, Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center as well as the two co-owned clinics, which

Content Wiped on Websites of Stem Cell Clinics Warned by FDA Read More »

Important, endangered species in stem cell medicine: the phase III trial


Traditional clinical trials have four phases. Each phase plays an important, unique role in testing whether new drug products are safe and effective as well as how they compare to the standard of care. Today in the stem cell field across the globe, the Phase III is under fire including what some might call friendly

Important, endangered species in stem cell medicine: the phase III trial Read More »

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