stem cells

Meet the real, not so charming Paul Ryan: an extremist out of touch with most Americans

Mitt Romney announced on Saturday that his running mate would be Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. Ryan is a handsome, charming guy who American’s can tell already is much more at ease campaigning than Romney. However, Ryan’s voting record is extremely troubling and far from charming. In fact, it is downright ugly. The Chronicle of […]

Meet the real, not so charming Paul Ryan: an extremist out of touch with most Americans Read More »

NASA’s wickedly up & down week: broader lessons about science & medicine

All science, whether biology or physics, whether microscopic or at the solar system level, is about experiments. Sometimes we as a society forget that. In fact, experiments are at the heart of investigations as diverse as studying cells to exploring space to medical treatments. For NASA, the last week has been a tale of two

NASA’s wickedly up & down week: broader lessons about science & medicine Read More »

Give prostate cancer the finger! Amazing pants and great resources

Give prostate cancer the finger! Gotta love those pants even if you hate the exam. Cheers to John Daly for having the guts to wear such amazing pants to draw attention to prostate cancer. Prostate exams are no fun to put it mildly, but they help in early detection of this very common disease that

Give prostate cancer the finger! Amazing pants and great resources Read More »

Romney-Ryan ticket terrible twosome for patients & science in America

UPDATE: A new website here in depth on Paul Ryan’s views and votes on stem cells. The Romney:Ryan ticket is nothing but potential trouble for American science and patients. Should they win, they pose a serious threat to American science funding as well as for Medicare. Instilling great confidence in his own competence, Romney totally

Romney-Ryan ticket terrible twosome for patients & science in America Read More »

More Celltex Q&A: we are not a drug manufacturer

I’m enjoying Celltex’s new website and I’m appreciative of their great responsiveness to my questions. Transparency is a beautiful thing! My latest question to them was whether they, given that the FDA called them a “drug manufacturer”, are now planning to or have already filed an IND. An IND is an application for an investigational

More Celltex Q&A: we are not a drug manufacturer Read More »

Usain Bolt’s doctor giving athletes unproven stem cell treatments?

Could Usain Bolt’s doctor be treating athletes with unproven stem cell treatments? The idea is not so far-fetched, I was surprised to learn. Read on. Bolt is an amazing sprinter. He’s a joy to watch. During the 2012 Olympics I’ve watched a few of his races and he has had almost super-human speed. The winner

Usain Bolt’s doctor giving athletes unproven stem cell treatments? Read More »

My ongoing Q&A with Celltex on their stem cell drug production methods

How does Texas stem cell clinic Celltex make their stem cell drug?  This is a very key question as the answers will help the stem cell field evaluate this drug’s potential safety and efficacy. I’m calling it a “drug” because the FDA called Celltex a “drug manufacturer” and by all past FDA precedent as well

My ongoing Q&A with Celltex on their stem cell drug production methods Read More »

Why a Romney victory would equal a big defeat for MS patients

What would a Romney victory mean for MS patients? Not good news I believe. As we’ve sort of, kinda gotten to know the Romney’s as potential President and First Lady, we’ve all learned some interesting things about them. I, for one, do not feel as though I know them very well still. Like many Americans,

Why a Romney victory would equal a big defeat for MS patients Read More »

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