stem cells

Stem cells in my Pepsi? New crazy stem cell myths


Just when I thought that the myths about stem cells, particularly embryonic stem cells, couldn’t get any more fantastic (as in based on fantasy), we have some bright folks out there thinking that soda (pop, coke, pepsi, whatever you call it) is made using embryonic stem cells. The headline goes: Pepsi is using embryonic stem cells […]

Stem cells in my Pepsi? New crazy stem cell myths Read More »

Indicted alleged stem cell predator Morales & Margolis: any links?


There was another federal indictment just handed down that alleges that one Francisco Morales (aka Dr. Frank Morales) broke the law with stem cells. Allegedly he took umbilical cords (telling patients that they would be used for medical research), facilitated isolation of stem cells, and shipped them out of state to be used in dubious

Indicted alleged stem cell predator Morales & Margolis: any links? Read More »

Rudy Jaenisch & 5 key action items for the ES and iPS cell field

This morning on day two of the World Stem Cell Summit here in Pasadena, Rudy Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute gave the scientific keynote address. It was a fabulous talk. Rudy Jaenisch, accurately described by Bernie Siegel as a true giant of the stem cell field, outlined the key issues facing the field of highly

Rudy Jaenisch & 5 key action items for the ES and iPS cell field Read More »

News flash: George Bush deserves credit for iPS cells?

George Bush deserves credit for iPS cells? No way. One of the weapons in the war against stem cell therapies is the use of a seemingly simple word: “ethical”. What does it mean to do ethical science in general and in particular what is ethical stem cell research? Who decides? According to the opponents of

News flash: George Bush deserves credit for iPS cells? Read More »

If I only had a blastema: obstacles to human regeneration


Irv Weissman’s lab came out with a very intriguing paper in Nature this week on regeneration and something called a blastema. Having a blastema It is not exactly on regenerative medicine of the kind we think about using exogenous stem cells, but more about how we might tap into nature’s own program for regeneration by

If I only had a blastema: obstacles to human regeneration Read More »

Lisa Ray, Stem Cell City, and stem cell resources across the globe

The McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine has launched a new effort they call “Stem Cell City”. As part of the launch they have enlisted the help of Lisa Ray, a Canadian Actress/Model, who was treated for Multiple Myeloma in 2009 using a stem cell transplant. Lisa Ray has a video that is quite compelling (see

Lisa Ray, Stem Cell City, and stem cell resources across the globe Read More »

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