Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Rick Perry’s Texas two step spin on stem cells


The Texas State Medical Board reportedly approved new rules for the use of adult stem cells. The ruling was at least in part a result of Texas Governor and former GOP presidential hopeful, Rick Perry, strongly pushing the issue. Perry himself received a controversial, non-FDA approved stem cell transplant in 2011 as part of a […]

Rick Perry’s Texas two step spin on stem cells Read More »

Who discovered stem cells & when? Some fun science history

who discovered stem cells, James Till and Ernest McCulloch

Who discovered stem cells? It goes back further than you might think. Is it even possible that one scientific team all by themselves discovered something so ubiquitous as stem cells? In theory yes. However, after research including this in Cell Stem Cell, I believe that no one group discovered stem cells. Also, if you ask the

Who discovered stem cells & when? Some fun science history Read More »

Five simple ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy and biologically younger

GO here for an even newer updated look at protecting one’s stem cells. Regenerative medicine is very exciting. But what’s even better than regenerative medicine? Preventative medicine. If one can prevent a problem from occurring in the first place, it is far better than trying to treat it after the fact. Of course in many

Five simple ways to protect your stem cells to stay healthy and biologically younger Read More »

The truth about Pepsi & Stem Cells: larger lessons to be learned

A lot of people are very upset at Pepsi for allegedly using stem cells in their research on artificial sweeteners. Why? What’s the real scoop here and what lessons can be learned from this more generally? I’ve been blogging as this controversy has evolved including posts such as Stem Cells in my Pepsi?, Stem cell myths: from

The truth about Pepsi & Stem Cells: larger lessons to be learned Read More »

Minimally manipulated cells & maximally manipulated human guinea pigs?

When it comes to stem cell therapy, there is a gray area that many companies across America are exploiting to sell stem cell-based transplants that are not explicitly approved: “minimally manipulated” cells. What does “minimally manipulated cells” mean? Who knows. Unfortunately, the definition is not clear and this term is interpreted differently depending on whom

Minimally manipulated cells & maximally manipulated human guinea pigs? Read More »

From boobs to baldness 2.0: Cosmetic stem cell clinics proliferate


A month ago I did a very widely read piece on cosmetic applications of stem cell technologies in the U.S. called “from boobs to baldness”. Many cosmetics websites asked for permission to run the piece and it was re-run in a number of languages around the world as well. It is clear there is big

From boobs to baldness 2.0: Cosmetic stem cell clinics proliferate Read More »

SEC rules in favor of Pepsi on bogus stem cell propaganda complaint over 293 cells


What’s the deal with the Pepsi stem cell myth? Does Pepsi have stem cells or ingredients from stem cells in it? No. Does the Pepsi corporation use embryonic stem cells to make Pepsi? No. These are myths. Nonetheless, pro-life extremists have been targeting Pepsi because of these fake connections between Pepsi and stem cells as

SEC rules in favor of Pepsi on bogus stem cell propaganda complaint over 293 cells Read More »