Search Results for: dr. oz

Portrait of an alleged stem cell fraud: my thoughts on 60 Minutes episode

Last night 60 Minutes broadcasted ( you can watch the episode here) a long awaited 2nd segment in their continuing investigation of stem cell fraud. The first segment investigating phony doctors Stowe and Morales led to their ultimate pursuit by the FBI and indictment, aired in a couple years ago. The new episode on stem […]

Portrait of an alleged stem cell fraud: my thoughts on 60 Minutes episode Read More »

Why Horton was wrong: a person is not a person no matter how small, even in Mississippi


Tomorrow night voters in Mississippi will vote on the so-called “Personhood Amendment”. If passed, the amendment would make a fertilized egg by definition a human being with the same rights as a living, breathing, thinking, walking person in the state of Mississippi. The consequences are not clear, but possibilities include such things as complete bans on

Why Horton was wrong: a person is not a person no matter how small, even in Mississippi Read More »

Sports stars, Rick Perry, stem cells: how many more people will die?

Another sports stars has been publicly “outed” as having received a non-FDA approved stem cell therapy in a foreign country. First, the big news earlier this year in June was that NY Yankees Pitcher Bartolo Colon had received a stem cell treatment. Then we all heard that Texas Governor and, at the moment, leading GOP

Sports stars, Rick Perry, stem cells: how many more people will die? Read More »

Stem cells gone wild? What really happens after a transplant


What really happens to cells after they a stem cell transplant into a patient? Once these cells, which have spent weeks in a lab environment, are injected into a person, what happens next? This is arguably the most important question in the regenerative medicine field, but there are few answers. We are literally mostly in

Stem cells gone wild? What really happens after a transplant Read More »

Trends in Stem Cell Research Funding: where do we go from here?

My post yesterday on the problems with the current system of stem cell funding generated a lot of interest from readers– more than a dozen left comments. Many of the comments were insightful even if readers disagreed on certain points. David Jensen also posted on an interesting piece on this issue in response to our

Trends in Stem Cell Research Funding: where do we go from here? Read More »

Scientific-proof for the DC Court of Appeals that life begins at conception? Not by a long shot

The DC Appeals Court hears oral arguments today in the case over whether the federal government can legally fund embryonic stem cell (ESC) research. At stake are dozens of research projects that could provide treatments or cures for millions of Americans. Reportedly, an amicus brief to the court has been filed on behalf of Associate

Scientific-proof for the DC Court of Appeals that life begins at conception? Not by a long shot Read More »

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does


Dr. James Sherley, the scientist behind the lawsuit against federally-funded ES cell research, has penned an opinion piece in The Daily Caller today calling on NIH to, in his words, ‘do the right thing.’ However, what Sherley is really asking is for the NIH, other stem cell scientists, and all Americans to think like he

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does Read More »

Grim reality of the impact of judge’s ES cell decision is emerging


The Obama administration has announced it will “quickly” appeal the ES cell decision, but I’m not hearing anything about a stay on the judge’s order in the meantime or anything like that. It’s quite the opposite. The NIH, in the form of Director Francis Collins, has finally spoken about the federal judge’s ruling that apparently banned

Grim reality of the impact of judge’s ES cell decision is emerging Read More »