Search Results for: stem cells for MS

New medulloblastoma paper suggests novel avenues to treat this childhood cancer

Medulloblastoma is the most common pediatric brain tumor. However, treatments for children who are diagnosed with so-called medullos have not evolved much over the years and are largely similar to treatments given to adults for other brain tumors. One frequent event in certain medullos is amplification of two members  of the MYC family of oncogenes

New medulloblastoma paper suggests novel avenues to treat this childhood cancer Read More »

Microbiome studies highlights the trap of the pursuit of the wild type human

What is a wild type human? The pursuit of “normalcy” has seriously led some scientists astray and there is no better example than the recent microbiome studies that have drawn great attention in the media. I found one aspect of their study design profoundly disturbing. First to my core question. Is there even such as

Microbiome studies highlights the trap of the pursuit of the wild type human Read More »

Wish list from 2012 attendees for ISSCR 2013: some crankiness


I have an ongoing poll on people’s impressions of the big annual stem cell meeting, ISSCR 2012. I myself have been wishing I was in Japan for that meeting so I remain surprised at the trending of the poll toward the negative. By far the most common response has been a surprisingly ho-hum “so-so” evaluation

Wish list from 2012 attendees for ISSCR 2013: some crankiness Read More »

Fears of academic scientists: elephant in the lab series


What scares scientists? What fears keep them up at night worrying? What makes them scream (if only in their heads)? As part of my elephant in the lab series tackling difficult but important topics for scientists, today I am talking fear! Earlier posts in this series included taboo topics about iPS cells, the dirty dozen

Fears of academic scientists: elephant in the lab series Read More »

What are the best iPS cell papers so far?


What are the most important iPS cell papers so far? 1) Yamanaka’s first paper on mouse iPS cells. Revolutionary. Intriguing perspectives presented in day 1 of the iPS cell field. Interesting statements such as Myc is required. Also take a look at those other reprogramming factors that he tested…there’s a tremendous amount there, largely unexamined.

What are the best iPS cell papers so far? Read More »

The scientist’s guide to insulting other scientists

Here is the scientist’s guide to insulting other scientists. Strap in.Scientists have special ways of using words to insult each other and believe me it can be vicious even if almost uninterpretable to those not fluent in that language. These insults are sometimes brutal or fatal career-wise, but also sometimes ironic and telling of our

The scientist’s guide to insulting other scientists Read More »