Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Lessons from getting attacked by ESC research opponents

Knoepfler lab stem cells

Monday I did a post in response to an item that appeared in the Secondhand Smoke Blog by Wesley J. Smith where he invoked the opponents of ESC research favorite term to contrast so-called adult stem cell research with ESC research. In addition, he implied that George W. Bush deserved some of the credit for […]

Lessons from getting attacked by ESC research opponents Read More »

Everything you need to know about publishing in the iPS cell field

I have posted before about publishing trends in the iPS cell field here and in here…. but where do things stand today? Here, I provide an important update. What’s going on now? Here I provide answers to the key questions.   How many papers are there on iPS cells? An interesting and unexpected trend for

Everything you need to know about publishing in the iPS cell field Read More »

ISSCR KO’d in round one versus unproven clinics: where’s the FDA?

What is ISSCR doing about unproven stem cell clinics? One of the greatest and most infuriating ironies of the stem cell-based regenerative medicine universe is that while the FDA strictly regulates the progress of therapy development by Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) and Geron and other legitimate companies, at the same time mysteriously the FDA essentially

ISSCR KO’d in round one versus unproven clinics: where’s the FDA? Read More »

Advanced Cell Technology and Geron: allies or competitors?


Two companies, Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) and Geron, both HQ’d here in California, have FDA-approved early stage clinical trials in the works. Geron’s trial has already started and reportedly now has enrolled at least two patients. The trial is of course for the safety of Geron’s GRNOPC1 oligodendrocyte product made from human ES cells for

Advanced Cell Technology and Geron: allies or competitors? Read More »

Victory for science and patients: what the appeals court ES cell ruling means (UPDATE)


A Federal Appeals Court ruled 2-1 today to overturn Judge Lamberth’s injunction against federal funding of ES cell research. Great news! You can read the decision here (warning: big pdf). A key part of the ruling was the following: “the plaintiffs are unlikely to prevail because Dickey-Wicker is ambiguous and the NIH seems reasonably to

Victory for science and patients: what the appeals court ES cell ruling means (UPDATE) Read More »

A reality check on the radiation spreading across the globe


  The tragic 9.0 earthquake and tsunamis that hit Japan a few weeks ago are having lasting consequences not only for Japan, but also for the world via radiation. One area of particular concern is the radiation that has leaked and is continuing to leak from the damaged nuclear reactors. At this point, the radiation

A reality check on the radiation spreading across the globe Read More »