Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Celltex versus University of Minnesota: support for Elliott and Turner

Recently, there has been a brewing controversy surrounding a journal called American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), a company called CellTex, a bioethicist named Dr. Glenn McGee who founded and used to run AJOB until he recently resigned, and two University of Minnesota professors, Drs. Carl Elliott and Leigh Turner who have been publicly critical of

Celltex versus University of Minnesota: support for Elliott and Turner Read More »

Why is the human brain super-sized?


Why do people have such a big brain compared to other animals? Vertebrate embryonic development is a highly conserved process, particularly in the earliest phases. (note: you may find this September 2020 post on regulation of bee brain size to be interesting.) A wide variety of vertebrate animals including humans start out with embryonic body plans

Why is the human brain super-sized? Read More »

Refuting the WSJ’s propaganda piece on Planned Parenthood


Does the Planned Parenthood icon at left send chills down your spine, because according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and most Republican Leaders, it should scare you greatly. An opinion piece today in the WSJ provides an extreme perspective on the debacle in which the Komen Foundation last week dropped support for Planned Parenthood,

Refuting the WSJ’s propaganda piece on Planned Parenthood Read More »

Why I finally bought stock in Advanced Cell Technology


Today after years of following the company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), I finally bought stock (ACTC) in it. Why? As a stem cell researcher myself working on human ES cells, iPS cells, and many other types of stem cells, I have been following ACT for years, but have never pulled the trigger to buy their stock….until

Why I finally bought stock in Advanced Cell Technology Read More »

Ian Wilmut, Dolly’s dad, says dump hESC? What does this mean?


Sometimes a top scientist makes news with a quote on research and that happened with Ian Wilmut recently on stem cells. Move away from research on human ES cells (hESC) in favor of very new and still largely unclear trans-differentiation technology? I say, no way. But, Bradley Fikes of the North County Times has reported

Ian Wilmut, Dolly’s dad, says dump hESC? What does this mean? Read More »

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California

What is the Personhood movement ? Remember those folks who were pushing an amendment in Mississippi that would have defined the one cell fertilized egg as a full blown person with all the same rights as a living, breathing, thinking Mississippian? Now the new battlefront for their movement is California. They want to get an

Is a fertilized egg a Californian? Personhood movement brings battle to California Read More »

Why Horton was wrong: a person is not a person no matter how small, even in Mississippi


Tomorrow night voters in Mississippi will vote on the so-called “Personhood Amendment”. If passed, the amendment would make a fertilized egg by definition a human being with the same rights as a living, breathing, thinking, walking person in the state of Mississippi. The consequences are not clear, but possibilities include such things as complete bans on

Why Horton was wrong: a person is not a person no matter how small, even in Mississippi Read More »