Search Results for: US Stem Cell

New Republican Governors Start Attack On Most Promising Stem Cell Research

Last Fall’s mid-term election brought into office several new Republican Governors who during their campaigns used strong, anti-embryonic stem (ES) cell research rhetoric. For example, then candidate for Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker (now the Governor) used some of the strongest language, which was ironic considering that human ES cells were first produced in Wisconsin

New Republican Governors Start Attack On Most Promising Stem Cell Research Read More »

Contagious cancer: the allograft your dog doesn’t want

What is Contagious cancer? Can one creature directly give another creature cancer? It appears so in dogs and that cancer is highly contagious. Contagious cancer When we think about transplants of cells, we think about hospitals and high-tech equipment used to give patients stem cells or other types of cells to help treat them for

Contagious cancer: the allograft your dog doesn’t want Read More »

Devil in the details: small oncogenic lesions in iPS cells & ESC


Yesterday I wrote about how difficult it is to tell different cell lines apart, including normal stem cells and cancer stem cells, especially since some accumulate accumulate oncogenic mutations that may make them seem more similar. A new paper is coming out that makes this case on a genomic level. Tomorrow’s Cell Stem Cell edition

Devil in the details: small oncogenic lesions in iPS cells & ESC Read More »

FDA approves Advanced Cell Technology second stem cell trial for blindness

Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) announced that the FDA has approved their second human ES cell-based clinical trial, a combined Phase I/II, for the treatment of blindness. Advanced Cell Technology As a result, soon ACT will have two active, human ES cell-based clinical trials, both using the same human ES cell-based drug. The aim of the

FDA approves Advanced Cell Technology second stem cell trial for blindness Read More »

One in a billion: finding stray cancer stem cells

Cancer patients and their doctors face daunting challenges at the time of diagnosis. Many crucial questions either cannot be answered or rely upon relatively low-tech methods whose accuracy is far from ideal. For example, how aggressive is this tumor? Has it already spread? After diagnosis and initial treatment, it is critical to monitor patients for

One in a billion: finding stray cancer stem cells Read More »