Search Results for: scnt

What are embryonic stem cells & where do they come from?

Knoepfler lab stem cells

What are embryonic stem cells and how do we scientists obtain them? My lab here at UC Davis School of Medicine has been doing research on embryonic stem cells for more than 14 years. You’ve come to the right place for expert answers on these very intriguing cells. What’s in this article Where do embryonic […]

What are embryonic stem cells & where do they come from? Read More »

Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly, opens up about his Parkinson’s Disease


One of the most famous living biological scientists, Sir Ian Wilmut, just announced that he has Parkinson’s Disease. I wish him the best in dealing with this illness. Wilmut is very well-known for having cloned the first mammal, Dolly the Sheep. This work followed on the earlier breakthrough by Sir John Gurdon of cloning the

Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly, opens up about his Parkinson’s Disease Read More »

Is monkey cloning a breakthrough or a bad idea?


Is monkey cloning a good idea? We’re about to find out. A new Cell paper today reports the first cloning of monkeys via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), raising many questions. The paper from a team led by Qiang Sun is entitled, “Cloning of Macaque Monkeys by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.” The highlight bullet points

Is monkey cloning a breakthrough or a bad idea? Read More »

Why Mitalipov’s ‘magic’ room for human embryo CRISPR may give us pause


The debate over whether the main conclusions of the Nature paper on human embryo CRISPR led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov’s lab at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) are correct remains unresolved. Note that Nature just added an editorial alert just above the references section to their paper: “Updated online 02 October 2017. Editorial Note: Readers are alerted that some

Why Mitalipov’s ‘magic’ room for human embryo CRISPR may give us pause Read More »

10 provocative stem cell questions: what are your answers?

stem cell research

There’s always debate about stem cells and regenerative medicine, right? There are very strong opinions in our field. Here is a list of 10 current, provocative questions. I have my own ideas about the answers to these. Weigh in with comments with your answers. I’m going to do a follow up post with some discussion of the

10 provocative stem cell questions: what are your answers? Read More »

STAP cells (stap細胞) are real deal says new Vacanti patent declaration


STAP is back? Really? No, I don’t believe so, but there’s an interesting development and twist on the STAP cell front. Just a few days ago on January 4, 2017 Dr. Charles Vacanti, the originator of the STAP cells concept, submitted a declaration to the USPTO affirming the belief that STAP cells are real and requesting that

STAP cells (stap細胞) are real deal says new Vacanti patent declaration Read More »

New Mitalipov paper on stem cell mitochondria: challenge for IPS cell field?


A new paper from Shoukhrat Mitalipov’s lab on stem cell mitochondria points to a pattern whereby induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells tend to have more problems if they are from older patients. New Mitalipov paper What does this paper mean for the stem cell field and could it impact more specifically the clinical applications of IPS

New Mitalipov paper on stem cell mitochondria: challenge for IPS cell field? Read More »