Search Results for: stem cell social media

Recommended stem cell reads: retractions, aging, COVID, CRISPR soldiers

lu et al nature eye regeneration

This week we have some interesting new reading including both on the stem cell basic and translational fronts as well as on COVID-19 vaccines. COVID-19 vaccine considerations From Derek Lowe at In The Pipeline on COVID-19 vaccine expectations at Science Translational Medicine, Get Ready for False Side Effects. You can read my views on possible

Recommended stem cell reads: retractions, aging, COVID, CRISPR soldiers Read More »

Recommended reads: Yamanaka review, stem cell indictment, COVID, MYC, more


Here are some recommended stem cell and other reads for the week ranging from COVID developments to prosecutors finally catching up with a stem cell surgeon who had many patients die to a list of interesting pubs. Because Trump now has COVID, I wondered on Friday if he might consider trying unproven stem cells or

Recommended reads: Yamanaka review, stem cell indictment, COVID, MYC, more Read More »

Review of clinic exposé film From Jail Cell to Stem Cell


Stem cell clinics and suppliers have been getting into the business of making promotional films to generate more revenue, but now there’s something very different in the cinematic stem cell arena called From Jail Cell to Stem Cell by filmmaker Doug Orchard. It is at its heart an exposé film about some in my view particularly concerning stem

Review of clinic exposé film From Jail Cell to Stem Cell Read More »

Sniffing Out Stem Cells Behind COVID-Skewed Olfaction


In COVID-19, the sense of smell can diminish, vanish, or oddly skew, for weeks or months. The loss usually starts suddenly and is more than the temporarily dulled chemical senses of a stuffy nose from the common cold. As researchers followed up mounting reports of loss of olfaction, a surprising source of perhaps the longest-lasting

Sniffing Out Stem Cells Behind COVID-Skewed Olfaction Read More »

Q&A with Roxland on stem cell clinic suits by Iowa & Nebraska


I wrote last week about the Nebraska and Iowa state Attorney Generals filing lawsuits against stem cell clinic firms and three individuals also named as defendants. Although I went into detail about the individuals including leader Travis Autor and the firms, I didn’t yet go into much depth on the state lawsuits themselves in that

Q&A with Roxland on stem cell clinic suits by Iowa & Nebraska Read More »

Regulators in Canada order dozens of stem cell clinics to stop


North America is seeing a major bump in actions by regulators against unproven stem cell clinics with a big step up in Canada. The action has sparked quite a bit of discussion and debate. Dozens of Canadian clinics were just told by Health Canada to stop selling unproven stem cells. Some of these clinics sold

Regulators in Canada order dozens of stem cell clinics to stop Read More »