Search Results for: lawsuit

A critique of the Witherspoon stem cell report

Lately I have been critical of an ultra-conservative political think tank-like foundation called the Witherspoon Institute. They have recently joined the federal lawsuit as friends of the plaintiffs suing to stop federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. The Witherspoon Council has just published a 100+ page report on stem cells in the very conservative, somewhat obscure

A critique of the Witherspoon stem cell report Read More »

The anti-cure movement continues attacks on stem cell research, this time in Missouri

The opponents of hope, those anti-cure crusaders, will not give up and they are active on both the state and federal levels. Today we heard from the S. Louis Beacon that “Missouri Roundtable for Life” is aiming for a 2012 ballot initiative to change the definition of human cloning in such a way that some forms

The anti-cure movement continues attacks on stem cell research, this time in Missouri Read More »

The perfect storm in Fall 2012 that may kill stem cell research

A year from now will I still be conducted federally funded research on human ES cells? What about the hundreds of other professors in the U.S. and their thousands of employees? It is not unreasonable at this point to forecast a perfect storm in Fall 2012 that may kill elements of stem cell research that

The perfect storm in Fall 2012 that may kill stem cell research Read More »

Interpreting Judge’s Embryonic Stem Cell Ruling


U.S. Federal Judge Royce Lamberth dismissed the lawsuit of two self-proclaimed “adult stem cell” researchers against the government to block federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. (update: you may find a 2020 take on this whole saga to be of interest). Lamberth was the one who originally seemed to buy into the arguments of

Interpreting Judge’s Embryonic Stem Cell Ruling Read More »

Stem cell tourism: from bad to worse from 2010-2011

Irv Weissman, immune rejuvenation

At last year’s ISSCR 2010 Meeting in San Francisco, President Irv Weissman talked about the dangers of unvalidated stem cell treatments. He talked about the responsibility of stem cell scientists to stand against these and the importance for scientists not to endorse or serve on advisory committees of companies peddling such products and “therapies”. As

Stem cell tourism: from bad to worse from 2010-2011 Read More »