Search Results for: ips cells

Great news: FDA gives ACT the green light bringing hope to millions of people with blindness


The FDA has given Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) the go ahead to begin their clinical trial using retinal progenitor cells derived from hESC by clearing the company’s IND application, bringing hope to those with vision loss and even blindness. The trial will be a combined Phase I/II to treat Stargardt’s Macular Dystrophy and has huge

Great news: FDA gives ACT the green light bringing hope to millions of people with blindness Read More »

How many scientist bloggers does it take to change a light bulb?


One question I am frequently asked by readers and colleagues is “what other stem cell blogs or bloggers can you recommend that are written by a stem cell scientist and updated on a regular basis?” The simple but surprising answer: there are none. It’s lonely out here in cyberspace! (2020 update: The good news today

How many scientist bloggers does it take to change a light bulb? Read More »

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does


Dr. James Sherley, the scientist behind the lawsuit against federally-funded ES cell research, has penned an opinion piece in The Daily Caller today calling on NIH to, in his words, ‘do the right thing.’ However, what Sherley is really asking is for the NIH, other stem cell scientists, and all Americans to think like he

James Sherley of anti-ESC lawsuit calls on NIH to think like he does Read More »

Exciting stem cell progress on Alzheimer’s Disease


UPDATE: I have added more discussion at the bottom about therapeutics and how regenerative medicine might work for Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia throughout the world, affecting 10s of millions of people. The cost to society is staggering and on a personal level for those of us who

Exciting stem cell progress on Alzheimer’s Disease Read More »